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  1. unclehobart


    :lurk: That was a serious bit of creative writers 'brush off' of reality in my eyes. In reality, travelling from Earth to the Klingon border takes the better part of 2 weeks at high warp. It would be more like 2 1/2 months at a paltry warp 4. Half again more to get to the Klingon homeworld...
  2. unclehobart

    Airport security

    cops, national guard ... pretty much the same thing. Might even cut down on the pickpockets having a .50 stationed at baggage claim.
  3. unclehobart

    Fear my avatard

    Arguing about internet avatars is like the Special Olympics. Win or lose... you're still end up looking retarted.
  4. unclehobart

    play it

    Neg 10,000 . Russian method. If it moves, kill it. Those hostages can be slippery. Only managed to kill 50 of em'.
  5. unclehobart


    ...with space trials for darn near a century leading up to it all. There still had to be a prior space navy even if it was nothing but small system boats that never made it past Jupiter. The Enterprise was the first major exploration ship, yes. Still doesn't explain why everyone seemed so very...
  6. unclehobart

    play it

    56.5 Geez that gets fast.
  7. unclehobart

    Those $%^&*@#$ at Starbucks will do anything to make a buck

    Thats what you get when you let teens manage your store.
  8. unclehobart


    I am always baffled at how the writers can make all of the characters seem so !@#$% naive. Are these not experienced field service officers with several years under their belts? It seems as if everyone is befuddled at every little task and protocol. Not very military at all. It didn't seem like...
  9. unclehobart

    play it

    50k first try... damn hostages had a way of poppin' up into your sights just as I was laying a round into Bin Butthead. happened like 5 times. Thats cheatin'.
  10. unclehobart

    Attacks sent Ozzy Osbourne to church

    CNN has compiled an interactive guide of pics/bios of a large number of the missing. Sent a chill through me.
  11. unclehobart

    Has anyone seen....

    Roger Ebert gave it 2 stars. He said it lacked a focused path and joy in general. It was pretty 'blah' ...unfun.
  12. unclehobart

    Beer Question?

    The refraction of light coming from bubbles (aka shperical transparent and very thin) reflects the predominant light source that hits it. Most of the odd color bands are absorbed. The sun and household lighting will always reflect white.
  13. unclehobart

    I finally made it

    *half a clap... weakly delivered... bored look on face*
  14. unclehobart


    As long as its an episode before the introduction of the Jonathon Winters charater. Those were lame, lame, lame-o
  15. unclehobart

    What are your thoughts?

    Get rid of that flimsy door to the cockpit and replace it with something solid and airtight. The pilot should be trained by the federal marshall service and should carry a gun... should have a way of releasing a knock out gas into the plane if need be. The cockpit should never be allowed to be...
  16. unclehobart


  17. unclehobart


    when is Robbie Burns day BTW?
  18. unclehobart

    I'm sooooo bored that.....

    Are we so sure it wasn't Wdeep in sheeps clothing? Out skulking about just to rustle the leaves.
  19. unclehobart

    Bush vs Powell

  20. unclehobart

    Bush vs Powell

    No... That would still be Barbara Streisand.