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  1. unclehobart

    Pakistan Says "Yes"

    What pals? The only thing those 2 can hit is each other, Nepal, Bhutan, SW China, Burma/Myanmar, Iran, Bangladesh, Afghanistan. Israel is waaay out of range by a good 2000 miles. The tech of their nukes isn't good. India's nukes are akin to second rate SCUDs. Pakistan's nukes are super low tech...
  2. unclehobart

    Teach me some history

    Good luck, pal. The thing they have with the Jews goes back thousands of years. What is a matter of 28 years in that time scale? Friends come and go... enemies are forever.
  3. unclehobart

    Airport security

    That has been argued before and tossed out. Since the very government that passes such restrictions come from the populace as a matter of free elections, the very nature of the laws they pass in our name have no bearing on general freedoms. The restrictions are, in a sense, self imposed and...
  4. unclehobart

    Teach me some history

    BTW- The arabs really do hate the US because of our support of Israel. If it wern't for mass US aid during the 73 war, Israel might very well have gone 'poof'. They mumble about the US interference in 73 the same way we mumble about Pearl Harbor under our own breath.
  5. unclehobart

    Teach me some history

    Well, outside of that, there was a period where they were under the humilitaing rule of the white western powers of France and England for the better part of a century all the way up to the end of WW2. They seem to want to vent such bad blood against the US because we happen to be the current...
  6. unclehobart

    Pakistan Says "Yes"

    Fellas, Their nukes are feeble insofar as range goes. Indian nukes are good for 1500 miles and Pakistani nukes are good for about 900. The homefront need not worry about that. A nearby navy, yes... the continental way.
  7. unclehobart

    Airport security

    Life is life, Liberty speaks of incarceration by the hands of the government without due process, Property is property. There isn't a damn thing about wandering to and fro as a right. Thats a simple matter of legislation that can be changed in a heartbeat if the feds or states deem it necessary...
  8. unclehobart

    Airport security

    A little snippet of article 1 section 8 of the Constitution: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform...
  9. unclehobart

    Teach me some history

    We are Israel's bankroll. We give them billions and military supplies. We share intelligence and secrets with them. We watch their backs and got Egypt to back out of the Jihad in 79. They consider every death dealt out by the Isreali army to be a 50/50 responsibility of the US government. In the...
  10. unclehobart

    Airport security

    Flying is not a right. Its a priveledge. No one is saying that you can't travel. One method is theoreticaly being tightend up. All forms of travel are governed by one form of regulation or another. Strip searches, drug dogs, metal detectors... so be it. Departure taxes and other little snippets...
  11. unclehobart


    There is a way to make the steel invunerable to jet fuel. Its just that it made it too costly at the time. Remember that anything you own, drive on, go into was made by the lowest bidder... unless you happen to have some Cartier or Rolex gear laying about. Hindsight makes that cost seem...
  12. unclehobart

    Rebuild WTC to an even bigger building

    Can't be done. There are a certain number of legal restrictions that would limit the height... but I'm pretty sure that they could get some serious wavers to it all in the midst of current seniments.
  13. unclehobart

    Crime and Punishment

    Peel off a layer of skin and then a nice brisk dip into icy salt water.
  14. unclehobart


    The real estate is worth too much to just slap a memorial on it. Its the very heart of the financial district. There were 50,000 employed there. If Disney can build a theme park at Gettysburg, then monuments have become a passing joke in this nation. If you need a memorial, I say rebuild those...
  15. unclehobart

    The darkest day in US history

    Death by 100,000 cigarette burns administered over 2 weeks time.
  16. unclehobart

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    I believe everything he wrote to be coincidental to real life. Its easy to cut and paste world happenings into his cryptic writings after the fact... all too easy.
  17. unclehobart

    Barry Bonds hits 3 today

    They may reschedule it all at the end of the season to get the proper number of games in. Even if he does make it to 71 I doubt there will be nearly the grandeur that such a moment warrants considering the mass brooding atmosphere hovering over the US.
  18. unclehobart

    Terrorist Warning

    The people who died in the action had to have handlers. There is a well coordinated power structure there. It needs to be found and dealt with in a most ugly manner.
  19. unclehobart

    What should the American people do?

    Ever noticed that the Russians were rarely victims of terrorism? Thats because they didin't negotiate.... period. They took ugly counter-vengance. They were willing to kill anything and everyone to let it be known that they wern't meant to be trifiled with. They thought nothing of sweeping up...
  20. unclehobart


    too busy spanking.... now leave me alone. :p