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  1. 75renegade

    Hey Q

    :confused: bathroom?......maybe Fuse needs a cold shower!:lol:
  2. 75renegade

    occupant sEEks gUidanCe

    If yOu an' yeR "giRly" r gonNa poSt picktures in thE buFf, FiNe! But ya doN't 'aVe to teLl us yEr naKed!! (keEp that uNder yeR hat!):lol: :lol:
  3. 75renegade

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    'Owdy partner! C'mon on in, take yer shoes off an' stay a while!:)
  4. 75renegade

    !!! Hot nude girls inside !!!

    I dunno, br0ck.....Fuse might find the protrudin' "springs" a might "too" excitin'!!!:beerchug: :lol: (GOT ANY TISSUES???):laugh: :laugh:
  5. 75renegade

    original food fight thread

    "Target....Prof." Whilest Prof. is doubled over, laughin' @ Fury's new "doo"....Sneaks up behind 'im an' smears da back of 'is 'ead wit a soft-ball sized glob of marshmallow cream, an' b-4 'e 'as time to realize what jus' hit 'im, pours a cup a warm chololate sauce over' top of 'is 'ead which...
  6. 75renegade

    Happy birthday 75renegade

    It's never too late to give/receive "happy" wishes!!!! Thanks agin', Rae,s4, Fuse an all!:beerchug: :D
  7. 75renegade

    One word post

  8. 75renegade

    original food fight thread

    Hey Rea, "Trinity" ROCKS!!!!! :thup:
  9. 75renegade

    original food fight thread

    Y'all R jus' awesome "food-fighters"! Think I'll Stick to the "Foo-Fighters", as I obviously can't "compete" in this rhelm with the likes of Q an" Gonz, (ya "bad-asses"):(
  10. 75renegade

    Happy birthday 75renegade

    Thanky, All y'all! Jus' wanted to say "thanks" fer yer kindness an' encouragement, Fury, Pad, Huge, Gonz, br0ck, Dark, Suz, Neo an' all! (big "group" hug fer back jus' popped...(smile)... mus' be gittin'...wiser? er somethin':lol:
  11. 75renegade

    Fear, go buy some more tissues!

    Welcome Change! Cherokee Served it's purpose.....came from a long 'istory of SUV predisessers like the tough Wagoneer. Anyhow, I say, " Welcome Liberty"! Id love to see yer pics, Bro!:p
  12. 75renegade

    !!! Hot nude girls inside !!!

    Yeah Acid.... Ya's a fun way of sayin' hop on up 'ere in the Jeep, Cuties.......:confused:
  13. 75renegade

    Have a little Spirit...

    (tries to speak, but jus' starts stutterin'......runs away, embarrsed):love:
  14. 75renegade

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome! Hope to cross "posts" with ya Soon! :grin:
  15. 75renegade

    Soft or hard?

    Off-Roadin'? If yer talkin' 'bout terrain. All ya need fer "hard" is the right kinda suspension to keep ya from bottomin' out, an' absorb the shock! If we're talkin' the soft stuff, I recommend low torque an' a steady hand. Also helps to have the right kinda rubber under ya!
  16. 75renegade

    !!! Hot nude girls inside !!!

    Hey ACID! Maybe next time, ya could open sayin' "Inside Hot Girls"!!;)
  17. 75renegade

    !!! Hot nude girls inside !!!

    All Aboard! Well if they do need drivin' lessons, I could take 'em fer a ride in Jeepie! Wonder if they know how to drive a stick?:D
  18. 75renegade

    Fear, go buy some more tissues!

    Worthy Consideration! No doubt! Even my ol' '75's got the original stamp plate i.d., sayin', "made in Toledo, OH"! I surely recommend hookin' up with one o' dese babies b-4 takin' the vow!:)
  19. 75renegade

    Fear, go buy some more tissues!

    I think some similarities can be drawn 'ere, br0ck! Fer example, Jeepie's got a hot pair of "headers", all the "rear ends" a man can handle, loves to get "dirty", an' she's built to be driven...Hard! Yep, she pretty well sums up the extent of my "love-life"! :lol: Perhaps the best part is...
  20. 75renegade

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    An' a big warm Southern, "How-de-do" to ya! Welcome to the "family"!......would ya pass the potatoes?:yawn: