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  1. 75renegade

    Livin'....... after Midnight........

    Hey AMD! Wake the F#ck up! I'm still 'ere, an' I love, "Breakin' the law", etc. Saw the Priest in concert! Rob H. was rockin' on 'is fargin' Harley!
  2. 75renegade

    Fear my avatard

    Hey, Oulaw! I'd like to see one of ya in a fargin 4 wheel Drive! Let's face it, yer name depicts, "off-roader" who breaks the rules! (wolf wasn't too bad, though...)
  3. 75renegade

    What's your porn name?

    $$$ Clark Ashland, 'ere! Kinda packs a wallop, don't it?
  4. 75renegade

    One word post

  5. 75renegade

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hey Muchmark....I love ya, already! Welcome! One big Family 'ere! Glad ya were willin' to go through the "adoption" process! (Don't fergit...Jeeps Rule!!!) Eager to read yer next Postin'!
  6. 75renegade

    Intelligent Discussion time

    Sorry bro. stones er Flames 'ere. The fact that folk tend to blame God fer the sufferin' is the world is a good thing! Tells me folk r considerin' the possibility that He exists an' may even care an' wanna 'ave somethin' to do with them, an' if so, why not take away all the pain...
  7. 75renegade

    I feel sad

    Movies Move Me Too, Spirit! Sharin' the emotion with ya, I recall 'ow I felt after watchin', "Titanic" fer the first an' second times. I mean I had jus' never imagined that love between a man an' a woman could look like that! Obviously that's the kinda love I long to give an' receive...
  8. 75renegade

    Intelligent Discussion time

    Yer not alone, Much.
  9. 75renegade

    Intelligent Discussion time

    Gonz....An All, (we're all family....I'm w/ ya.... Personal Responsibility is "Key".Perhaps this seems too "radical", but I see myself as a pauper & spiritutally bankrupt! But I jus' believe (from the Bible) that my "heavenly" Father is able to accept my admission of weakness & remind me of the...
  10. 75renegade

    Intelligent Discussion time

    Gonz, Feel like yer my bro.... or at least my cuz. Jus' wanna hug ya bro... Don't have any condemnation fer ya. Don't ya think, if there is truely a Sovereign God over all, that 'e takes in consideration, the weakness (I believe) 'e created us with? (imagine w/ me 'ere...ok?) Do ya think...
  11. 75renegade

    Intelligent Discussion time

    Put it 16th Gear, Gonz.... Why even believe, Gonz? I mean aren't we All "gods " anyway? Why believe in what the Bible or God says? We're all "supreme" 'ere right?......... Masters of our own destiny? So Glad I'm In contol..... So I can f#ck my life up an blame somebodyelse. I did my...
  12. 75renegade

    Intelligent Discussion time

    Feelin' good! Guess it's all 'bout "us", huh? ("I am God") God is only as big as I let 'im be........... (judgement-day ) is gonna surprise so many! (Too Bad though.... all y'all "agnostics"....Jesus is real!..........Don't ya yet realize how "fargin" weak we are?.........Can't ya jus'...
  13. 75renegade

    Intelligent Discussion time

    SPIRITUAL SHIT Guess all 'ere are willin' to accept self a "God"!! Hmmmmmmmm........ Wonder what He's got to say 'bout all of our sovereighnty?
  14. 75renegade

    original food fight thread

    NOW YA'VE DUN IT, GONZ!!! Ya went an dis'd my girl!!!! :mad: Nobuddy Calls 'er "sub-par" an gets away wit it!!! ('75 devises an "Eeeevilll" plan to defend Jeep's good name......):lurk:
  15. 75renegade

    Say, Dean.......

    Think I gots a few loose muffler-bearin's......Can Ya help?:lol:
  16. 75renegade

    Just another day in the park!

    Explicit Photos like these make me horny! Rock-On, Bro.! Stock Liftage, or Custom?
  17. 75renegade

    Mopar muscle cars.........

    "Muscle"....(smilin') Ahhhhhhh!......A man and 'is machine! What could give 'im a greater sense of POWER an satisfaction?!! Rock on wit it, Y'all! .......Love my lil '75 V-8!
  18. 75renegade

    You guys ever watch Sponge Bob Square Pants???

    Overcome by Sentiment I Love Patrick.....He's my "best-friend"!:)
  19. 75renegade

    Happy birthday, 1fast6

    B-day Greetin's! Uuhmmm.....maybe don't buy any "green" banannas, bro.?:lol:
  20. 75renegade

    original food fight thread

    Than, "Q"! After "mucho" employ of said, strawberry- preserve-removin' squeegee, '75 stops to help Q, seein's 'er vehicle's now stalled......well, maybe not a "complete" maybe not really to "help"... Ok, I whip out my super-soaker, blast 'er with a 30 foot stream and drive off...