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  1. 75renegade

    Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads????

    Brunettes....Definately brunettes...Blondes 'ave got it too fargin easy! think that since their 'air shines like gold, they've got the notice.....which they usually do, but not from' red heads r jus' too 'ard to deal with......prone to tempers the male ego was generally not equipped to...
  2. 75renegade

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome anyways!;)
  3. 75renegade

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Someone say, "big pussy'?............'ello!
  4. 75renegade

    One sentence post

    Hey Fury, back off bro.....Human emotion merits bendin' the rules, ok?
  5. 75renegade


    Hey AMD, is that the "oldest" Sabbath ya got? (smile)
  6. 75renegade

    One sentence post

    it's "ok" though, I still got "Jeepie"!:rolleyes:
  7. 75renegade

    One sentence post

    ...the spoon is 18 years older than me....
  8. 75renegade

    One sentence post

    "' the dish ran away with the spoon."
  9. 75renegade

    One word post

  10. 75renegade

    Great Quotes

    "Don't marry the one ya think ya can live with......... .......marry the one ya think ya can't live without." (not complete, but a good start) :)
  11. 75renegade

    One sentence post

    it's not the "quantity" of posts, but the Quality!:grin: (spoken by a true "post-virgin")
  12. 75renegade

    One sentence post

    Ya can count on it, 'ere, Krust!:lol: Y'all Ready to get Dirty?
  13. 75renegade

    Remember our friend from that WTC pic?

    Rock on with the Zepplin......" When ya 'ere me moanin' an' groanin', babe y aknow it hurts me deep down inside"....
  14. 75renegade

    Great Quotes

    "Foxes 'ave holes an' birds of the air 'ave nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay 'is head"
  15. 75renegade


    Old Zepp, 'ere, "ya shook me all night long", er "dazed & confused", blues is one of my bestfriends, now. Spirit, I appreciate yer love fer music that moves the soul! Ever 'eard of Melanie Safka? (60's folkartist) or Samantha Phillips, (folk artist, present) Blues: CoCo Taylor, Stevie Ray...
  16. 75renegade


    Sorry to 'ere that, Out!:( "Get-well" wishin's comin' yer way!:)
  17. 75renegade

    Fav Movie

    Still can't get over, Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life"!:)
  18. 75renegade

    I'm sooooo bored that.....#2

    Maybe ya jus' need someone to show ya how excitin' it can be to 'im! :love:
  19. 75renegade

    I want stars by my post.

    Yer layin' down to a "woman", Ac? Ya really believe the unpopular Belief? Tell ya what, got a good "used" ex-wife fer ya, trust me.....very "low" miles!:lol:
  20. 75renegade


    Yeah, Out, 'aven't seen yer face on IRC las' couple a visits..... wassup?:confused: