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  1. 75renegade


    HEY FURY.... Tryin' to impress yer girlfriend, agin'?:lol:
  2. 75renegade

    One word post

  3. 75renegade

    The 10 ugliest couches in America

    I'm with ya, Fuse, Me either!:lol:
  4. 75renegade

    I'm sooooo bored that.....

    Soon I'll 'ave posted my 100th......but some'ow, can't help thinkin' that it' s not the "quantity" of posts, but the "quality" there somethin'.:p
  5. 75renegade


    Trin, I love ya!;)
  6. 75renegade

    The 10 ugliest couches in America

    I applaud ya, too, Trin! Nice work! I'm thinkin' w/ the lights off combined w/ the right combo of man an' woman, what the 'ell does "pattern" an' "color" matter?:lol:
  7. 75renegade

    Whacked story of the day

    Jus' wonderin' how LONG the "inflatable" crown is!!:lol:
  8. 75renegade

    One word post

  9. 75renegade


    Dang, think I wanna grow my hair out an' take up "guitar" ! Chics 'ere seem to dig it!:p Where r all the "Harley-ridin'", Pick-up truck drivin' "redneck" babes 'round 'ere?:confused: Anyway, wb, Bitchin'!:)
  10. 75renegade

    Anyone in the Bay area?

    What exactly does 'e mean by, "bay"?:confused: All I see is corn an' soy beans 'ere!:D
  11. 75renegade

    How many men have you slept with?

    Is it jus' the media, er is it really more "acceptable" fer us dudes to 'ave a "list' o' lovers. Whilest the women folk should only be able to claim 1 er 2?:confused: Either way, Jeeps r still a man's best friend!:grin: So let's go get "Dirty"!!
  12. 75renegade

    Neo: Take 5

    Jack-frost "nippin" at yer ear?:lol:
  13. 75renegade

    Anyone for Chinese?!?!?!

    Raw Fish in "special" sauce, eh?:lol:
  14. 75renegade


    "Jeep-man" (feelin') rejection, shrugs realizin' honesty DOESN'T pay......fills glass to brim an' looks lovingly at faithful steed, "Jeepie".:cry2:
  15. 75renegade


    Short, shriveled an' to the right:(
  16. 75renegade

    Name That Tune...

    Thanks Fuse!! Sorry fer the redundency, br0cko! I obviousy don't get 'round much!:lol:
  17. 75renegade

    Name That Tune...

    Perhaps this 'as been passed 'round before but 'ow 'bout postin' quotes from songs, an' 'ave others try to name it? IE: "Generals gathered in their masses...jus' like witches at black masses." (answer: War pigs) etc. I know Gonz is probably gonna kick some arse 'ere!:)
  18. 75renegade


    Hey GONZ... Can ya name the "tune" this quote comes from? "ONE of these days I'm goin' to cut ya into little pieces"
  19. 75renegade


    Here's a good "one".... Quote, " Morpheous believes, he is the One"....
  20. 75renegade


    :beerchug: Heard recently 'bout a "new" product......"beer-flavored" water.... Funny..... wondered what they meant by "new"? Coors Light's been makin' da stuff fer years!:laugh: