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  1. 75renegade

    I saw Fury at the ACC

    Not quite sure 'is finger's in 'is nose....look's more like 'is lips. Perhaps he was jus' 'avin' a lil "snack"!:laugh:
  2. 75renegade


    FURY RULES!!!! Yes ya will , bro!:grin:
  3. 75renegade

    Soft or hard?

    Oh well, ...... In truth, I stole it from some other "mug". Found it to be true in my own failed marriage, :beerchug: anyhow!
  4. 75renegade

    Soft or hard?

    Hey Pharmboy! You stole my f#ckin' quote......I hate that!:lurk:
  5. 75renegade

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Yeah, Rae....'member, some of us 'ere are old as fargin' dirt, !:lol:
  6. 75renegade

    GMan...The Ultimate Truck Driver

    Hey, Gonz..... Ya look a bit too relaxed fer the heat of battle ! but otherwise, pretty impressive!
  7. 75renegade

    weird guests

    Have a nice day!:)
  8. 75renegade

    I Pledge Allegiance

    I'm with ya, Outlaw! I'm mean, what the f#ck?, like we don't go through r "9 to 5" work-a-day world w/o offendin' others, unintentionally jus' because were different from 'em er 'ave a different opinion! Anyhow, Merry Christmas , a lil early!:lol:
  9. 75renegade

    What are your thoughts?

    Dunno 'bout all this speculation 'bout airplane "safety" bullsh#t, but I 'm infatuated by the handle, "Texashoney"!:) (Dang this testosterone!):lol:
  10. 75renegade

    Fear, go buy some more tissues!

    None of us r "perfect", eh? 'Cept to the "right" person, I spose. Still a worthy postin', though! I was jus' wonderin' if there's a "real" person under all that sexy flesh, er maybe jus' another fadin' "flashbulb-fairy"? Either way, still got my Best-Girl, ('75 Jeepie) least she's...
  11. 75renegade


    Hey, Spirit...... By the ya 'ave enough lovin' left to cover the rest of us "fringers" who r not necessarily online at the same time as ya were?:cry2:
  12. 75renegade


    Hey, Fury...... I'm kinda hopin', fer yersake bro, that you'll be gettin over callin' yerself, "#2". It's jus' not very becomin'. Yer "Awesome", by me! Not even remotely close to the likeness of somethin' one steps in while mowin' the lawn!:sick: Anyways, I haven't fergot ya!:)
  13. 75renegade

    A bit of humour for our xibase family!

    I'm kinda new 'round 'ere, Dark, where do you fit in this whole "age-stage" thingee anyway? ( Sorry, don't remember readin' yer profile).:confused:
  14. 75renegade

    What color is your underwear?

    Ya've got yerself one fine set a guts there, S4! Even I wouldn't 'ave the balls to admit that!:lol: :lol:
  15. 75renegade

    so very, very wrong

    LMAO @ GONZ!!! They probably found a generous helpin' of KY jelly 'round the mouth of the bottle! Maybe Jaun was a wankin'!:lol:
  16. 75renegade

    Intelligent Discussion time

    QUICK ROBIN, TO THE BIBLE MOBILE! Gonzo, ya've some good, legidimate questions! Questions which are worth persuin' answers to. Seems sometimes, folk really want answers even if it's not what they wanna here, they're willin' to actually risk bein' wrong, maybe even consider changin' their once...
  17. 75renegade

    What are your thoughts?

    Q........... Yer a funny, almost unpredictable, female type person. Makin' me laugh anyway...........
  18. 75renegade

    Livin'....... after Midnight........

    Gonz, You Rock, bro.! I love it that ya know all my faves.!
  19. 75renegade


    Hey Fury! I wouldn't be braggin' 'bout bein' #2, even though most cows consider it relief! (smile) :lol:
  20. 75renegade

    What are your thoughts?

    I agree w/ Q! But who said they were in their "right " minds????