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  1. ris

    One word post

    archi-tectonic [best word ever!]
  2. ris

    One word post

  3. ris

    One word post

  4. ris

    One word post

  5. ris

    Seymour, Wisconsin, wants to be known as the hamburger capital of the world.

    Seymour, Wisconsin, wants to be known as the hamburger capital of the world. hamburg is going to be pissed... ;)
  6. ris

    Web site critique -- NO FLAMES!

    ok, given the toaty effect i got last time i shall put on as much flame-retardant gear as i can find...... bear in mind this is only my opinion, if you believe it to be wrong then ignore it. we each have stuff we like/dislike and i will be honest with mine. krusty - very slick site. i...
  7. ris

    sanity restored

    ZA 2.6 works fine in win2k :) 63,000 bugs! a hive of bugs? i guess that if you have one you might as well have some company for it....
  8. ris

    How to Satisfy a Woman Every Time

    missed out 'agree with....' :laugh:
  9. ris

    I just cut the hell out my finger

    like i said, i've seen my students do teh same thing as me. you can tell when it's hand-in time when most of their left index and middle fingers are bandaged up! :D i had to have 3 stitches in the side of my wrist when i drove a razorblade into it [sat on drawing board, moved hand down to...
  10. ris

    pong 3d

    i'm only on 264 boo but at least i am winning some points now.... damn computer just too good :rolleyes:
  11. ris

    One word post

  12. ris

    nuclear catholicism

    no, but i've seen a few at the quater-mass....
  13. ris


    'special' mail-order videos :)
  14. ris

    pong 3d

    try this out for a few mins, work up those reflexes... :lol: post your high scores and prize to the winner!
  15. ris

    I just cut the hell out my finger

    i have so many scars on my fingers from college model-making. surgical scalpel blade + soft flesh = messy desk :) and now i teach the same course i did i get to show the students the scars, tell them gruesome stories and watch them do it themselves weeks later :laugh: have fun in ohio...
  16. ris

    Live or Memorex, its still a Tragedy

    my ears.... they're bleeding...... :eek: that has to be one of the worst thing's i've heard, ever. time to play it on loop in my office and leave the computer locked :lol:
  17. ris

    Do you guys ever get extremely lonely, not just lonely ,, but really lonely

    i remember the bad times and know that i'm never that far away. depression is a bit like alcoholism - i'm still a depressive but i'm just not there right now. i'm always aware that i have the capability to be there and i'm glad i have a supportive missus - she puts up with a lot. :) nice...
  18. ris

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    hi geezer :)
  19. ris

    Frickin' Llamas...

    it's not what's on the outside that's important, i'm sure he has a lovely inner self. ah, what the #%! am i saying! that is one ugly beast. :eek:
  20. ris

    How many usernames do you use?

    fury - does each have their own personality? i'm just ris. so boring compared to fury....