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  1. ris


    hey fury, pull on my finger :D :D man the smell in here is rank....:scared: :vomit:
  2. ris

    How many men have you slept with?

    yeah 1/3 of the world at one point :D and now what have we got? bad teeth, vCJD and overcrowding :scared: hehehehe. man this sucks.....:lol:
  3. ris

    How many men have you slept with?

    0 for man-love 0 for road no. [we don't do that in the uk :(] and richmond isn't a number :laugh:
  4. ris


    one love, you've got to share it it leaves you, baby, if you don't care for it. u2 one [easy.....]
  5. ris

    Am I being excessively mean?

    sounds fair to me fury, especially after some of the stuff hey've done before. perhaps you could connect the laps to a treadmill and make electricity to power the pc :D
  6. ris

    Long weekend! Woo hoo!

    man, all that food and me so far away :( still christmas is coming and the ris is getting fat....
  7. ris

    Why I really, really, really hate WIndows

    perhaps the number 11 is special to bill g or somehting? hope you can clear the backlog postcode
  8. ris

    What are you using to swap music???

    morpheus at the moment, although it doesn't fully cater for all my musical requierements. tried limewire and never found a server connection for some reason and this was on a t1 lan at work. frustrating!
  9. ris

    Winemaking Time! Tis the season to be squeezin'

    my mum is probably going to be doing her annual batch of sloe gin, or petrol as we the imbibers refer to it. my missus makes kit beer and home-made mead fairly regularly here, personally i find mead evil and repellant but the beer is always welcome. man, i want a wineyard :)
  10. ris

    How would you commemorate the Twin Towers and loss of life???

    just as an addition to this discussion - according to the UK archi press the current thinking of the WTC owners is to return to the original scheme for the towers that was never built: 4 towers of 50 towers.
  11. ris

    Does anybody remember all the media hype about the Y2k bug?

    i believe italy had some problems for about 4mins, but that was about it. of course all the governments will be claiming victory in their great public infomration :retard: and all those who bulk bought food, power generators and stockpiled weapons for the rise of anarchy must be feeling a...
  12. ris

    I feel sad

    i always like films that are about the texture and tone of the themes as well as the story. i suppose tim burton falls into that - his films are very atmospheric, almost black and white to emphasise the colour. same is true of ridley scott, all darks and blues [usually neon] and one of my...
  13. ris

    The 10 ugliest couches in America

    killing it slowly q with the power of my fat ass :) not our choice - landlords flat, landlords couch. :mad: oh well, i hardly sit in it anymore so attached to the computer desk am i one day, and soon, i shall have my own choice of couch-wear but first i need a new job [one that pays me the...
  14. ris

    I want stars by my post.

    oh acid you are very special :D everyone vote for aciiiiiiiiiid 5 stars? 4..... 3 :smash: 2 :laugh: 1 :spin:
  15. ris

    The 10 ugliest couches in America

    dunno about ugly but we have a contender for UK's most uncomfortable sofa here. nicely placed 'support' bar at lower back level normally causes spinal injuries to the uninformed. or it would, except now the sofa has sagged adn the injuries are in the middle spine region. none of out...
  16. ris

    Twisted List: Five Things You Should Never Download

    spyzilla sucks i installed it at work [i know i know :rolleyes:] and it gave me gator too for good measure. i have never seen a program so hard to remove in all my life, but the questionairre where it asked 'where did you get gator from' cracked me up. they didn't have an 'installed...
  17. ris

    How would you commemorate the Twin Towers and loss of life???

    leave the site empty, clear it, a gap in the packed real estate of NY. or, dig a 110story hole into the ground as a reminder of what once went above. i feel that any tower (s) that stand there will forever be infused with meaning that perhaps they shouldn't and may be incompatible with...
  18. ris

    Barry Bonds

    74 i say goals that is we are talking uk football, right? :lol: :D :D :D :D :spin:
  19. ris

    Yet Another Map..........

    don't forget that england [or britain even] is such a small place we all live in castles and know the queen. :lol: tv and escalators you say? doesn't sound very right or proper to me old chap
  20. ris

    Backing Up Original CD™

    i'm with outlaw69 - clonecd and cdrwin goldenhawk would be my suggestions. be aware that clone is hardware specific, i found that my scsi yamaha 2100 works a charm.