Search results

  1. ris

    Canada sends in its navy to help the war effort

    cute, the version i was sent had it as the irish navy i guess where you are determines which country is photoshopped onto the side!
  2. ris

    What's your porn name?

    my porn name is [fanfare etc]: hugh richmond ah, more of an accountants name incidentally the other porn name chooser i have seen is first pets name and mothers' maiden name, in which case i am the star of many a fine soft-focus flick under the pseudonym: tutty clarke damn, a...
  3. ris

    Woman drives home from shopping in someone else's car

    surely the ford key won't open a nissan door?
  4. ris

    First Date Stories

    i once took a sister of a friend of mine out for the day. i drove us up to a small place called Ely where they've go this amazing cathedral. we walked round it a bit, got a bite to eat and then sat in the cathedral grounds in the sun chatting. it was a lovely day, mid september and sunny. she's...
  5. ris

    So, what's your rig?

    one: 900mhz athlon t-bird @ 900 [currently] abit kt7a-raid 32mb ati rage fury agp graphics 768mb crucial pc133 cas2 ram [3x256] 30gb ibm 307030 hdd 2940ua adaptec scsi card pci128 clabs sounds mri modem [pos] edimax 100/10 lan toshiba 6702b cdrom yamaha 2100sz cdrw internal ide...
  6. ris

    ris, suffolk and good

    name: nick hodges age: 24 sex: huh huh huh male - obviously occupation: peretending to work for the uni of wales architecture department [p/t studio tutor] whil clocking a massive m$ pinball score. weight: anywhere between 10stone and 12stone, depends if i remember to eat [i forget when...
  7. ris

    Consumers Union, XP & OS X

    i have heard [via the office mac-addict] that apple are about to release mac os-x.2. this is supposed to be the original full release but mac stepped forward the distro so as not to be left behind. photoshop 7 is in the late beta development for it as well apparently. as for xp - i'm quite...
  8. ris

    Me and my monster

    nice pic fuserman - if i ever get round to setting up a website for hosting this sort of stuff i'll whack up some of my godson.
  9. ris

    Linux Desktop Shots - Post em' here!

    if you have the bandwidth and a cdrw you can download the linux cd's for free. i got the two madrake 8.0 cd's from i am sure that the other mainplayers [redhat, suse etc] have the same thing going on. it was easy to install and set up it's own d-b with win98se. i removed...
  10. ris

    OH NOOO!!!

    :spin: classic stuff spirit! and all the questions: take the fifth :)
  11. ris

    I am now employed!

    congrats dark princess - now kick some grocery-ass! now! start kicking :lol:
  12. ris

    Early AM work

    i've been in the office for nearly 24 hours straight now. i arrived in the office at 7.30 ish last night having worked at home for about 11hours already. i grabbed a couple of pizzas for the long haul and we set to work in the office. deadline was about 3pm to get a competition entry to...
  13. ris

    so...what is your favorite smell

    that printed magazine smell. malt whisky
  14. ris

    What possesses them to do this?

    all your spare hardware etc - in heavy, multilock boxes. all your siblings in heavy, multilock boxes. :D fit a vertical bar-lock to the doors - rather than a point lock [bolts etc] the lock is a bar running top-bottom that fits into the frame. that stops locks getting broken from banging...
  15. ris

    I don't understand how he survives this

    sounds like the hamster inside is getting tired :D
  16. ris

    Win2k + K6-2 400 + 128mb ram = Make way for the turtle

    if the hdd already has win98 on it then dual boot with win2k. that way if it screws up you can remove win2k and change the boot info back easily enough. as to how to remove win98 if you don't need it i'm not sure - you might be able to do the same thing. :eh: i am practically in that...
  17. ris

    One word post

  18. ris

    How YOU doin?

    hey sexy mama.....wanna kill all humans?
  19. ris

    What Does Your Workstation Look Like™

    a picture says a thousand words... no picture so a thousand word it is then :D 'L'-shaped desk with a 17" iiyama screen in one corner, up against the full tower that sits in the cruck of the L. on top of the case is a joystick, joypad, a stack of 20 or so zips and a box of cdrw. in front...
  20. ris

    pong 3d

    CTho9305 is the current leader then! i'm hovering on 312.... :laugh: sorry brainsoft but i think that you must have gotten your score confused with the computer's. the reason i know that is because the computer scores 40 points for a win...