Early AM work


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
I know that some people are "earlybirds", I am NOT one of them. I had to get up up at 4AM this morning to go get a product that our crack manufacturing team needed to do it's job. Why did the time invention people create such an ungodly hour? It's too late to stay up & still function afterwards & so early that even the dumbass birds know it's still night.

There ought to be a law-Nobody is required to EVER report to work before 9AM & they may not stay after 7PM, except the 7-11 guys & liquor store employees.... :idea:


One of a Kind
Me too Unc. But I am the farthest thing from a morning person. It takes So much to get me out of my bed in the morning. This is not going to help when I get a job.


Staff member
Originally posted by Gonzo
I know that some people are "earlybirds", I am NOT one of them. I had to get up up at 4AM this morning to go get a product that our crack manufacturing team needed to do it's job.
I'm losing faith in these "crack manufacturing people" ...why didn't they already have their product in stock, don't they know how to do inventory? You just need to be firm with them. Tell them: a lack of planning on their part does not constitute an emergency on your part.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Re: Re: Early AM work

Originally posted by Q
why didn't they already have their product in stock, don't they know how to do inventory?

When the conglomerate bought us out, they seem to not worry about essentials, like stock(except thier own)-"if it's on hand it's costing us money" appears to be the motto. However, in defense of our crack manufacturing team, the suppliers are COMPLETE idiots & can't run fast enough to serve our needs-except for the parts we don't need, those they have in excess. Also re: the crack crew is-I come in, get my marching orders, harass a few & leave, so, "crack" might be overly nice. I don't know-I supply them & disperse the finished product; in between I don't care. :smash:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by Professur
You can't outlaw 4 am. That's my bedtime.

used to be mine too-not outlaw it, just getting up for &/or going to work then
Working at night doesn't matter to me, but if I have to start early I just sit around, half-zombie, sipping my way-too-strong cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette...I don't get alive before 10 AM, and don't get sleepy before 2 AM...

Thank god I'm not the only one with that problem :)


Mushroom at large
It's OK, they've don't have one in Toronto. They stop everything at midnight, and don't let anything happen until 6AM. You're safe.:D


i am my my own evil twin
i've been in the office for nearly 24 hours straight now.

i arrived in the office at 7.30 ish last night having worked at home for about 11hours already. i grabbed a couple of pizzas for the long haul and we set to work in the office.

deadline was about 3pm to get a competition entry to the couriers so they wouldn't miss the close day. the project is for a train station in turin and the drawing s have to be in italy by monday 5pm.

it's 5.30 now, we're still printing, there's no chance of making the dealine and we're all knackered.

i haven't felt this shit in a loooong time.
and to make it worse i've not eaten since the pizza and i smell.

:retard: :eek2:

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
I've got a HUGE order that I have to get ready to ship out tomorrow. 35 fuser assemblies and 7 paper input units. I'll be comin' back to work tonight after I drop off the little guy at home.

I'm just glad I won't have to pull an all nighter like ris.

I won't have much time to surf so see ya's tomorrow night.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Now for LATE work. I went in this AM & spent about 6 hours there & I'll go back tonight to drive to Columbus, OH & get a good start tomorrow before the Labor Day weekenders get going.Then, a 3 day weekend----yeam woo-hoo, cool :beerchug: