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  1. 75renegade

    I think superstition is superstupid.

    Do ya believe in "fate"?.........(Why/Whynot?)
  2. 75renegade

    'Lord of the Rings' Begins Fantastical Journey

    HEY BRO....... Jus' saw it w/ Mark an' Brandonie this weekend. Dang! It was awesome! 'Ave ya ever seen a flick at the new, "Rave" theatre, (out south)? It made it extra cool!:)
  3. 75renegade

    It's 2002

    Guess what I was tryin' to say was hopefully in the year 2002, I can show the kind love to a friend as has been shown to me in the year passed. Hopefully give someone the kinda hope that's been given to me from so many good friends. An' I'm so thankful fer the love my children 'ave given me...
  4. 75renegade

    anyone out there????

    Fur, all ya really need to remember is that ya are, an' ferever will be the Flurfmeister. (LOL) Give up all the philisophical bullsh#t.:laugh:
  5. 75renegade

    bellbottoms forever

    8-Tracks r people too....(smile). Grew up with 'em. Thanks fer the chuckle, putz!:)
  6. 75renegade

    dusting the galaxy

    Putz, ya seem a soul who 'as a heart fer art an' poetry. I'm jus' curious what ya think this life is for..................
  7. 75renegade

    Happy New Beer!

    Cheers all, from me an' Jeepie! :)
  8. 75renegade


    Hey Muddy, r lookin' fer a Biblical answer? (Hebrews 9:27, "And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgement, 9:28 so Christ also havin' been offered once to bear the sins of many, shall appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who...
  9. 75renegade

    It's 2002

    (2:30 a.m.) Jus' sittin' 'ere wondrin', what of love an' 'ow much of myself am I really willin' to give up so that a friend might know somethin' of hope an' maybe even 'ave a desire to love 'imself in the year 2002........(Thank God fer the children!)
  10. 75renegade

    Hey I must be alone and

    I don't believe it's only a "virtual" BD. I think there's a sovereignty over us all. Our lives don't 'ave to seem so meaningless....fer example, I'm glad yer 'ere bro.! It was a "bright" spot in the dark night of my lonley New Year Eve. I appreciate yer presence at Xi, an' 'ope alls well with ya...
  11. 75renegade


    Yer right bro., I'm full a inconsistancies.......but what matters more than all my shallow opinions is the fact that the God of Heaven loves sinners! The homosexual man 'as an "advocate" who loves 'is soul unconditionally. Me, I tend to try to be "unaffected" by those with different views from...
  12. 75renegade

    the big gift

    Bro. ya know y'd look so sexy in 'er! Sit yer ass in 'er seat an' jus' let 'er "send" ya there! (smile). Remember, repair bills be mine, jus' enjoy the ride she'll give ya!;)
  13. 75renegade

    What you all have lives or somethin?

    Whasamatter BD? Was ya feelin' a bit lonely, bro.? I know the feelin'! (*holds glass high in toast to "lonliness"....Neil Young plays in backgroun'*):) Take Care!
  14. 75renegade

    bear bar

    Nice! :rolleyes:
  15. 75renegade

    man wanted

    Don't b'lieve she's gonna last long on these boards.......jus' surfin' an' hopin' fer a crumb of acceptance I guess.:confused:
  16. 75renegade

    come to mama

    HEY PUTZ? 'Ave to go wit Spirit on this one. R ya some'ow fishin' fer a man yerself, (maybe doin' a li'l "filtered response" assessment fer yerself er somethin'?) Is yer own profile posted 'ere in the gallery?:confused:
  17. 75renegade

    come to mama

    Looks a li'l "ruff an' tumble" to me. What's up with the whole "agnostic" bullsh#t anyway? Makes one think she's more than jus' a li'l 'fraid a "comittment", eh? Her ass mus' be a bit sore from all that fence ridin'. Besides, she even states she's seperated, not divorced. Looks like a recipe fer...
  18. 75renegade

    man wanted

    I'd like to learn 'bout 'er interests! Is she artistic? Poetic? Does she 'ave an 'eart fer children an' broken people who need a friend. "Where's she from? Does she love the South? Fried Chicken an' Sweet tea? (Body type was what agin'? Not partial to big butts, can ya 'elp me, Dude?):)
  19. 75renegade


    Most a dem toys come wit their own batteries.....2 or 4 C-Cell. Which is yers, Spirit? 2 or 4? :laugh:
  20. 75renegade

    the big gift

    Minivan???? Hmmm, My "mini-van" 'as the ability to climb most "climable" hills.....4wheel drive, 304 V-8, on a 4" lift with ground-clearance bumpers, brush bar, 8000# Ramsey winch, Hi-lift Jack (jus' in case) an' 31" off-road tires! ROCK ON!!:D