Hey I must be alone and


Everday People
no life and yes I am a mod at places and an admin so I know this feeling as well.:D To the guys who are always around lurking behind the scenes thnx for the job you do in keeping the XI a place "I" want to return to because of the friendliness and all the nice posts in here. Keep it up and I may be talking to just you at times or myself but at least we are here and your doing a good job.

It's only a virtual but to all of you a:beerchug: !


Thanks BD. :beerchug:

Please ignore my post to seclusion. He is the only guy that ever said he was gonna knock my teeth out on the web.:laugh:


Staff member
Thanks for the props!

I hope we can keep up our end of the deal, cause we love you guys too much not to :D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
It's nice to see somebody appreciates our lack of life;) :beerchug:


Official Wine Taster
I don't believe it's only a "virtual" BD. I think there's a sovereignty over us all. Our lives don't 'ave to seem so meaningless....fer example, I'm glad yer 'ere bro.! It was a "bright" spot in the dark night of my lonley New Year Eve. I appreciate yer presence at Xi, an' 'ope alls well with ya an' yer family. Take Care!:)


Staff member
Thanks BD. Sorry wasnt around yesterday, have been off the paxil cold turkey for 2 weeks , being delusional and having the flu is not fun.:retard: :retard:

Anyways its nice to be appreciated for something we love as well.
True, we may appear to have no life at times. But for the most part its just something we love to do. So get ready for an even better 2002. :D :D