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  1. 75renegade


    R ya followin' Doc.'s orders, (fer the most part)? 'Ow's the wife 'olden up bro.? Anyhows, wishin' ya a speedy recovery an' less pain puttin' on yer pants an' tyin' yer shoes!:)
  2. 75renegade

    Looking For Four Songs™

    'Ave ya tried the "Gonzo Galaxy"? :)
  3. 75renegade

    This Is What Outlaw Looks Like Now™

    Hey Tool, looks like yer playin' a Sony P.S. 1, We've got one 'ere too. 'Ave ya checked out the Nintendo Cube? My oldest son is all 'bout it. Too bad it only plays it's own games. (no DVD, CD, blah blah) What's yer pick?:)
  4. 75renegade

    Bid on a night with the Flurffmeister™

    Hey Flurffy, I'd bet she'd wear you down to a nub! :lol:
  5. 75renegade

    True story

    Feelin'a li'l impathyfer ya, bro.. Wanna couple a pumps a my raspberry lotion? Be glad to share! ( BTW Still tryin' to eraticate my life of M. Arcy):)
  6. 75renegade

    Tell me the best things about 2001

    Thanky Big Daddy, 'ope yer feelin' better, wasn't it you who hurt yer knee recently? Anyhows, jus' countin' some o' my blessin's., that's all (smile) :)
  7. 75renegade

    True story

    *sniffin' seat*........who was da rider?:laugh:
  8. 75renegade

    I lubb j00

    Good idea, BigDaddy! (but it 'urts jus' tryin' to "think".....ouch!) None the less, ya make yer point.:)
  9. 75renegade

    True story

    I agree with ya, Fur, sniff the panties an' Fegit the chick........the bicycle will definately be a much more dependable means of gittin' where ya wanna go!:laugh:
  10. 75renegade

    I lubb j00

    C'mon Fur, I'm still waitin' fer another one of yer thought provokin' threads that 'ave real substance, an' that only 'bout 5 of these jokers actually post at! I'm jus' a li'l bored with all the "blah-blah"
  11. 75renegade

    Tell me the best things about 2001

    Divorce was final Mar. 3rd. I am 100% debt free! (rock on!) My relationship with my children is closer an' better than all the years I was married! Regained a closeness with my kin that was much needed. Got my Jeep back on the road after extensive repairs. Found a truley awesome friend in my...
  12. 75renegade

    Hey Deano, got a question fer ya.

    Thanks s4! She plans to try to sell it in the near future. Jus' hopin' to get through the winter what some semblence of reliabilty after all the money spent. Thought I'd ask in case there was a "simple" adjustment to correct the symptom described above. At least it gits 'er around.:)
  13. 75renegade

    Hey Deano, got a question fer ya.

    I appreciate yer oppinion bro.. Thanks!:)
  14. 75renegade

    To much time on your hands!

    I reckon that "wankmiester" dude 'as more than jus' time on 'is hands!:lol:
  15. 75renegade

    Cookie Monster assaulted again!

    I found that tale funny as hell.......the whole, "swung a paw at 'is face" an all! She did it all fer the "cookie"! (what?) The "cookie' (what?), the cookie!:lol: :lol:
  16. 75renegade

    Hammer of the Gods

    ROCK ON! Lately I been chewin' on the self titled album from '69, like a cow chews 'er cud! Thoughtful classics like, "Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You", "You Shook Me", "Dazed", an' "I can't Quit You Babe". Yer right, by's "timeless" stuff.:)
  17. 75renegade

    Zyban Anyone?

    Good fer you Kruz! Smokin' is not an easy habit to lose! Can be very emotionally distressin'. Hang in there bro.! :thup:
  18. 75renegade

    Target practice anyone?

    :eek: Dang! Talk 'bout "fraggability"!! :eek:
  19. 75renegade

    A liddle trip to New Zeeeland :)

    Wow! I love the fish-eye lens shot! Photograghy is a hobby of mine. Was that your lens?:) Nice pics. bro.!
  20. 75renegade

    Well done, flurffmeister

    Fer what it's worth think the forums an' such r very interestin' lookin' an' very user friendly! Good Job all! ;)