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  1. Inkara1


  2. Inkara1

    Last word first

    Man, it sure would be fun to end this post with a word like antidisestablishmentarianism. :D
  3. Inkara1

    I'm back, so watch it...

    Didn't the ancient greeks have a thing for homosexuality too?
  4. Inkara1

    Secret Santa, anyone?

    I'd do it if I weren't a broke student. I can't help wondering, though, how much spam you've gotten in your [email protected] inbox. MSN likes to sell names, after all.
  5. Inkara1

    Oh the weather outside is frightful ....

    Yeah, it's a bit scary but it could be worse. Caltrans picked a type of road paint that reflects very well through the fog, so that helps navigation imminsely.
  6. Inkara1

    Advice update

    May I suggest voodoo dolls?
  7. Inkara1

    Pretty bad day today.

    Yeah, good luck. :) We'll all miss you but understand your mother's a bit more important.
  8. Inkara1

    I feel sorry for dial-uppers

    Does anyone know of a university other than Fresno State that doesn't have anything better than dial-up in the dorms? Didn't think so. :mad:
  9. Inkara1


  10. Inkara1

    Ladies, he's waiting!

    Where do you find that shit? :eek:
  11. Inkara1

    Oh the weather outside is frightful ....

    I drove 60 miles like that once, right at the end of last year.
  12. Inkara1

    Drop everything your doing and get in irc chat

    My computer would also forget the time and date when it was off. So I thought it was the battery. I replaced the battery... and I could instantly tell that wasn't it because it gave me a few more messages when I started up... oh, and the next time I tried to boot it forgot the date and time...
  13. Inkara1

    run and you will only die tired

  14. Inkara1

    Ouch, that hurts the economy doesn't it???

    Even with a warrant?
  15. Inkara1

    Oh the weather outside is frightful ....

    The Highway Patrol started its annual PACE program in the central valley of CA last night... where a CHP car paces traffic through the 10-foot-visibility fog. It's fog season. :(
  16. Inkara1

    Drop everything your doing and get in irc chat

    Oh, ok. The clock on mine was losing time, and then the errors started and all that. I think my clock generator chip went postal on me.
  17. Inkara1

    Anthrax scare in my skool :D

    My senior year of high school, right after the Columbine shooting, my school had a "school shooting drill." What did they do? Herd us all out to the football field, where it would be easier to mow us all down at once. :rolleyes:
  18. Inkara1

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Hi! ^_^
  19. Inkara1

    Drop everything your doing and get in irc chat

    Did the clock lose time while the computer was running? I had an Asus K7M board that did that, then started giving me blue screens when I'd boot Windows 98 and would freeze the system when I'd try to install Windows 2000. Plus, Genome was giving me illegal ops on the rare occasion I could get...
  20. Inkara1

    Oh noooo!

    I know I wouldn't want to have to pay to use a forum that I'm there for one specific problem, so that I can get my problem fixed and be on my way.