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  1. Professur


  2. Professur

    Ethan Wins...

    Ok, I'm close .... nearly there ..... almost got it ..... Damn! I almost managed to give a shit. Sorry.
  3. Professur

    razor etiquette

    One word. Wax.
  4. Professur

    Oral Sex Could Be Deadly

    No shit. Cum in her mouth and she'll kill you faster than any lesion
  5. Professur

    Must say....

    there's nothing better to discuss during a trans-atlantic flight.
  6. Professur

    Must say....

    Now we can't stand eachother
  7. Professur

    I think superstition is superstupid.

    Luck works "if you believe". I believe, therefore it works. There's nothing wrong with healthy superstition. Don't walk under a ladder? Something's gonna fall on ya. Don't open an umbrella indoors? You'll put someone's eye out. Most non-religious superstitions and old wives tales...
  8. Professur

    Deep thoughts from the peanut gallery

    Walking back to the car after the tour de Walmart,and being accosted by yet another charity seeker, I replied " I gave on the way in". Getting the kids strapped in, my better half noted that it was just a little white lie. I was dumbstruck by the following If a lot of little white clouds...
  9. Professur

    We almost died again

    The taking out of France? I hope it does. If it wrecks the rest of Europe ... well, that's the price of world improvement. (yes I read it, and no, I'm not joking.)
  10. Professur

    Ok, 'fess up ...

    Aha! Now we have the truth about that ankle. It's not twisted ... It's hungover:D
  11. Professur

    We almost died again

    Looking's just a waste of time. We'll never see the one that hits us.
  12. Professur

    Goodbye Dave...

    The beef is dead. Long live the beef.
  13. Professur

    Damn GM POS

    The major factor in buying it was that the missus would be driving it. It has very small blind spots, and a smaller turning radius than Mum's Aclaim. But now I understand that you have to remove engine mounts just to change the sparkplugs!!??!! A friend with a similar model had to have a...
  14. Professur

    Do you think this was a good verdict? A fair punishment?

    Sounds fair to me. But I'll offer an option. 40 years, or 20 mins in a locked room with the parents. Her choice.
  15. Professur

    Damn GM POS

    Within the last couple of weeks, the missus' van's come close to getting shot. In order of failure. Rear window wiper ..... crapped out. Radio ........................... Red LED's not lighting anymore Heater ......................... Fan only works on settings 4 and 5. One more and...
  16. Professur

    'Lord of the Rings' Begins Fantastical Journey

    Just saw it. Great flick. True to the books. Don't expect an ending, coz there ain't one ... til the third flick. Awesome panoramas and the dwarven city was ... unbelievable. A couple of bung-ups where you can easily tell that the people are comp-gen, but not enough to distract. Worth the...
  17. Professur

    yeah baby!

    Anyone seen the trailers for the new Austin Powers flick?
  18. Professur

    For Unclehobart & his beer woes

    You tried the 'goose, or are you just recalling my posts?
  19. Professur

    I need a beer

    By my math, you're good for the weekend. You really should have put by some serious stocks. Illegal?? Primatives.
  20. Professur

    I need a beer

    *laughs hysterically* No beer .... LOSER!!! Have you ever considered having the local store deliver?