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  1. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    awwww hun *hug* ... don't despair ... cause I feel the love .. don't think your wife would appreciate my feeling the love though :eh: and there's one more reason not to fret ... *whispering in your ear* ... I still haven't seen a velvet box ... ;)
  2. nalani

    stoopid people day

  3. nalani

    Andouille Sausage Appetizers

    yum! I'm gonna try that .. we have great sausages out here in Hawai'i ...
  4. nalani

    stoopid people day

    *note to self: refer said stoopid people to Prof* :D
  5. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    nope .. but I got kids and they do windows *L*
  6. nalani

    stoopid people day

    so I need a new PRAM battery for one of my G4s ... who do I call? Radio Shack, of course .. it's not like we have authorized Apple Dealers on this rock in the middle of the Pacific .. so I call RS ... this is the telephone conversation: *ring* *ring* RS: "Aloha, thank you for calling...
  7. nalani

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcome aboard and all that .. and please, please, please post something :)
  8. nalani

    oh my gawd ...

  9. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    *thinking that I actually scared myself* :D
  10. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    oh yeah .. I forgot ... *still looking for that velvet box and noticing that you're not down on one knee* ... hmmm....... so if I screamed the word COMMITTMENT really loud, that wouldn't scare you? What about ONE WOMAN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE ? Scared yet?
  11. nalani

    oh my gawd ...

    I'm glad you had a good day at work. We don't wear shoes here at work .. all the footwear comes off before you enter the building ... I love that!
  12. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    I can't? *hmmmmm* MARRY ME! *watching you run in horror*:eek: :eek: :eek: :D
  13. nalani

    oh my gawd ...

    If you give me a beer I'll give you your cheese *smirk* But you know I love you, flurfy baby :)
  14. nalani

    I am using icq again

    Add me .. since I'm always online and no one else ever is :(
  15. nalani

    I'm not mental, I swear!

    Yesterday I had to see the Prince of Darkness, aka, the dentist .. (most of y'all know how I feel about dentists) .. anyway, afterward I had to go to RadioShack to pick up a PRAM battery for one of the computers and I was asking the salesperson where they were except my mouth was all numb ... he...
  16. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    psst! hey Q!... *pointing at alex*... I think I scared him ;)
  17. nalani

    Ok, 'fess up ...

    yikes .. so I was the only lush? :lurk: well, I have an excuse ... ku'u can't drink so I have to drink on her behalf .. I mean, she does have a reputation to uphold :D
  18. nalani

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    :D @ Inky Welcome aboard .. enjoy the flight :)
  19. nalani

    Ok, fireworks I understand...

    We love fireworks ... yeah, it gets smokey and stuff but it's once a year and it's a tradition. We have to purchase a permit though for firecrackers which is just lame cause you buy a permit for $25 and it's for 5000 units of firecrackers which costs you less than the cost of the permit...
  20. nalani

    O well Operation it looks like.........

    awww BD - sorry to hear that you need surgery ... but it'll be over soon and things will get back to normal :) Alrighty - so let's work on getting you that laptop .. come on people .. who's got one just laying around???? Give it up ... fork it over ... let's help a friend in need :D