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  1. nalani

    razor etiquette

    omg - that's EXACTY what I came back here to post ... so, men ... how many of you would either shave your intimate areas for your woman and/or let her shave you? This should be interesting ... :lurk:
  2. nalani

    Goodbye Dave...

  3. nalani

    razor etiquette

    Well, I think that's a matter of time and trust ... Did I let my ex-husband do it? Nope .. for the simple fact that when I was pregnant and couldn't reach my calves to shave them, I asked him to do it ... I have never been so nicked-up in my life :D ... needless to say, he was not allowed...
  4. nalani

    I think superstition is superstupid.

    *is disappointed that you're dissapointed* I have to agree whole-heartedly with ku'u. Those superstitions are indeed, older than urban society and because the understanding no longer exists, the "superstitions" have become meaningless gestures. Here in Hawai'i, we're careful about the...
  5. nalani

    Where did naptime go?

    yeah *sigh* ... I'd be cool even with that "15 minutes with your head on the table time" like in kindergarten :D
  6. nalani

    Ok, 'fess up ...

    :cry: *wiping tears of friendship* ... see Q? That's what makes us true friends ... For you and ku'u, I will always be there to drink your beer when you can't ... *hug* :D
  7. nalani

    Ok, 'fess up ...

    I've learned to never say never :D I went home this past weekend for my friend's baby's party and she and I alone set up the entire hall including the kitchen and decorations .... needless to say, I started drinking at 11am .... like I said... never say never ....
  8. nalani

    I need a beer

    *trying to picture Rob "mosey-ing"* :D
  9. nalani

    I need a beer

    *always thanks the gods that ku'u has beer in her house* :D hey Rob - how much would it cost for your services per hour? cleaning the house I mean ... get your head outta the gutter ;)
  10. nalani

    yeah baby!

    hmm.. well, all I can say is if he don't know by now ... *pffft* ... well, then he don't know me at all ;)
  11. nalani

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    what do you mean D .. uh, ... err.... I mean, StarCaine? Tell me you haven't become a Mac-Hater too :( Can I still come to you with my lil Mac problems? :cry2:
  12. nalani

    yeah baby!

    hehehe ... I'm at my max .. 1024MB ... I'm feeling rather spoiled right about now *cocky grin*
  13. nalani

    yeah baby!

    *singing and dancing around like the 5 year-old who has ice cream in a crowd of kindergarteners* 512 more megs or RAM for me ... 512 more megs of RAM .. oooooohhhhhh, 512 more megs of RAM for me ... 512 more megs of RAM ......... :)
  14. nalani

    I need a beer

    *sighing deeply as I look over in HomeLAN's direction* Steve, the man's been out of beer since mid-December for pete's sake ... I mean, I know you've got a 7 month old and all but come on, where's your priorities? :eh: ok Rob - merlot is a lovely wine, that's a given ... but you should...
  15. nalani

    I need a beer

    couple of questions for you Rob: 1. why are you cleaning the house? what's so important that would cause you to spend hours and hours cleaning? 2. where is the dude you call "roomie"? he's helping you, isn't he? c. why, why, WHY don't you have any beer in your house?!?!?!?!
  16. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    *looking for Q to save me* only my true love would know how to win my heart ....
  17. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    *wonders how a thread about me dancing because of my grades turns one man to propose marriage, another to committ bigamy, and me to a life of adultery ... * :(
  18. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    hey now ... don't stomp ... don't pout ... :) come on back .. come on ... let's, umm... talk :blush:
  19. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    wow .... :eek: .. impressive ... but I have one question, Neo ... are you Mormon and living in Utah cause last I knew, you had already put one of those babies on someone's finger :D
  20. nalani

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    D5! My Mac GURU!!!!! I'm glad to see you back, man ... I think I'm the only Mac-er around :( Welcome home ... *hug*