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  1. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    yeah - cause you're even more anal than I am about copy edit! hehehehe
  2. nalani

    does anyone actually use it?

    yeah - and we're phreaks cause we're like 10 feet away from each other and we Yahoo each other all day long *L*
  3. nalani

    So, which resolution will you break first?

    well, my resolution was "I will NOT drink everything in front of me and I will NOT mix my drinks this year!" Let's just say I'm still a little sore ... :sick:
  4. nalani

    does anyone actually use it?

    I only come online when I'm at work :D anyone else? What about Yahoo? or Messenger? or AOL?
  5. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    I thought you would ... ;)
  6. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    hmm.. let's see .... well, I didn't have a list before now and the list only contains your name ... but I didn't place it anywhere in particular on the page ... maybe top rightcorner? ... dead center?... unless you're an oblique kindof guy and you want your name diagonally placed from top left...
  7. nalani

    does anyone actually use it?

    Your ICQ, I mean ... cause no one is ever on ... and because of that, I hardly turn mine on either ...
  8. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    hmm..... should I wipe you off the list or make this one exception? ;)
  9. nalani

    Ok, 'fess up ...

    Who drank too much of everything over the holiday? *raising my hand slowly cause I'm sorta still hanging* :sick: I'll never do that again ...
  10. nalani

    Finally have learned......

    Congrats on your new-found knowledge! :) You know, I always ask if I don't know something .. I always seek out people who know because I enjoy learning ... I like finding "shortcuts" too .. don't slap yourself silly .. only stoopid people need to get slapped *L*
  11. nalani

    anyone out there????

    oh good lord, don't tell me you're one of the normal people ... cause only normal people can't understand us :D
  12. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    *giggling at Q* you know girl - you remind me of my girlfriend out here ... she's always trying to set me up with someone .... she'll invite me over to dinner and her husbands friends will be there ... she almost lines them up like a meat market and gives me the "take your pick" look ...
  13. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    nope .. not married ... not sure about the future ... unless he's a great guy who can tolerate me and my crazy life and loves my children ... oh yeah .. the biggest prerequisite to another serious relationship: must NOT be a addicted to ice ... :rolleyes: :D
  14. nalani


    Happy New Year, sissy! I'm gonna toast you tonight ... me with my beer and ku'u with her juice :D WOOHOO!!!! Let's make 2002 great .. out with the old crap and in with the new crap!!! :eh: errr.. you know what I mean :D :beerchug:
  15. nalani

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    To all our new members Welcome! Sorry I haven't posted in each individual welcome thread - I see we've had a lot of new members sign on recently and with the holidays and the actual work I've been doing at work (rather than playing here), I haven't had time to properly welcome anyone. So...
  16. nalani


    :D @ Postcode I agree with ku'u ... I'll probably hang out, look out for my kids and stuff ... and haunt people I can't stand ... *innocent smirk*
  17. nalani


    Good to see you again, Chewie! Give your kids (and wife) a hug for me!
  18. nalani

    I see you all online, but NOT POSTING!

    heya flurf baby .. I'm here .. and I'm here to stay ;) hey now - it's just not right for Q to be drinking alone ... *pops open a beer with my lighter cause I'm a mountain girl and I ain't no wuss* ... here's to the girls of Xi! *clink* and flurf - just send alex that processor already so...
  19. nalani

    Happy New Beer!

    I'm with Q on that ... :beerchug: Hau'ole Makahiki Hou to one and all :)
  20. nalani

    *does a happy dance*

    *not sure if you're joking cause you didn't follow that statement with a smilie ... looking for a velvet box in your hand and if you're down on one knee* hehehe hey - I thought you were married? ;)