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  1. a13antichrist

    Microsoft not to be broken up after all

  2. a13antichrist

    Internet Explorer 6

    With Netscape 6 not exactly impressing either, makes people wonder what's happening in the Internet Browser business. Are we destined to be using IE5.0 in two years' time?? :eh:
  3. a13antichrist


  4. a13antichrist

    What Does Your Workstation Look Like™

    Not true!! There are only two PCs in my pic.. ;) :D
  5. a13antichrist

    What Does Your Workstation Look Like™

    The empty drive bay now has a Pioneer slot DVD as well.. :)
  6. a13antichrist

    What possesses them to do this?

    I'm 6'2". My brothers aren't. They never touched my stuff.. ;)
  7. a13antichrist

    so...what is your favorite smell

    Freshly-shampooed woman's hair. :)
  8. a13antichrist

    cool CD

    Okay so does it have a name??? & what can the photo suite actually do? :)
  9. a13antichrist

    Unique ID is built into WinXP final build

    You traitor!! ;) :D The bit about copies leaked to Warez sites could get interesting though.. if they can track the copies through that, some people could be in some trouble.... ... but even more interesting will be how much effort goes into getting around all these security measures...
  10. a13antichrist

    Are you man enough to accept the challenge?

    I couldn't find it... :( I wanna sEEEEE!!!! :cry:
  11. a13antichrist


    Hey Q.. do you like your job?? ;)
  12. a13antichrist

    What time is it?

    In that case simply set your BIOS time 12hrs & 19min forward.. then you'll have the right time when it boots up & jumps backwards... :D
  13. a13antichrist

    Join XiBase Seti!!

    Go for it man!! :cool:
  14. a13antichrist

    Join XiBase Seti!!

    Even better.. :cool:
  15. a13antichrist

    seti slow

    Well I fired up my stock-pile & I'm getting ~3hrs @1.5 Ghz.. although this is with 3.0 which isn't valid anymore.. check this thread for some other results.. as of today.. ;)
  16. a13antichrist

    Join XiBase Seti!!

    The intention was to pass JJR. Whether it gets his goat or not is entirely irrelevant. We think it would be cool to be ahead of JJR without crunching anything. Hope you see the distinction.
  17. a13antichrist

    Excel Question

    Yep, think that about covers it.. ;)
  18. a13antichrist

    Join XiBase Seti!!

    uncle did I say Crunch for Xibase Seti? No. I said Join XiBase Seti. Get your goat?? Dude you really have to work through some of those issues. I'm well aware that no-one at JJR crunches Seti anymore, and the fact that your immediate assumption is an intention to "get your goat" indicates...
  19. a13antichrist

    Join XiBase Seti!!

    We are currently 1900 WUs behind JJR512.. I think it'd be freakin' cool to overtake them without crunching a single unit.. I know some of you OCNers have got a 2k account there.. OCN won't miss it - XiBase could really use ya!! :smash: :cool: :smash: P.S: fury ya reckon we could pimp...