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  1. a13antichrist

    Distributed Computing Potential

    1x P133 - not bothering. 16x Celly 433 - also not bothering as I don't have direct control. 6x Celly 566 6x PIII-667 9x Duron 600 9x Athlon 700 - 3 crunching, 6 not 18x PIII-866 - actual count varies greatly, depending on crashes 4x Athlon 900 - so far have 2 1x Athlon...
  2. a13antichrist

    XiBase SETI

    And you are in Seti?? :confused:
  3. a13antichrist

    just an idea

    Ummm.... I very much doubt OCN will be willing to accept a name change. I know I would oppose the idea.. It would be nice to have some members of XiBase supporting Big Brother, so to speak, but I think it would be more a case of them being welcomed to OCN, rather than an informal 'bonding' of...
  4. a13antichrist

    Win2k System Transplanting

    You can do that brainsoft, but that's where the registry export comes in. :) Or you can just throw the whole drive into the new machine & let it go for itself.. :)
  5. a13antichrist

    XiBase SETI

  6. a13antichrist


  7. a13antichrist

    pew... someone open the friggin window

    Dude that is one awesome avatar.. :cool: & that is a classic quote from Count too man... :)
  8. a13antichrist

    Just what we need...

    I'm guessing a while.. some people have probably dedicated their lives to this ya know.. ;)
  9. a13antichrist

    So sue me...

    Wèll ïf hê dísåblëd ît, hé wöùldn't bë ãblê tõ üsé áll thê prèttÿ çhårâçtêrs nôw, wòúld hë... :D
  10. a13antichrist

    So sue me...

    :D (but why??? :) )
  11. a13antichrist

    So sue me...

  12. a13antichrist


    Hmmmm... + others.. :)
  13. a13antichrist

    XiBase SETI

    I do.. ;)
  14. a13antichrist

    Win2k System Transplanting

    I have a feeling that if you export your registry, you can then restore it & you don't have to re-install all your programs. Chances are though that it will disagree with one item & make you re-install it anyway. ;)
  15. a13antichrist

    Virus Alert

    So script-kiddie him back & worm his arse.. ;)
  16. a13antichrist

    So sue me...

    Don't make your own logon an admin - this slows the system down. Run yourself as a power-user instead. Turn off the fading as this slows it down as well. Also go into the Control Panel & change your keyboard layout language to French.. gives you a whole lot of cool characters with having...