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  1. nalani

    Tsunami Watch

    story here major alert for us ... we have kids in the valley about an hour and a half away .. my mom lives right on the water .. our office is right on the water ... such is the life, facing natural disasters living on a rock in the middle of the Pacific.
  2. nalani

    he's not dead? but he is?

    *is lost* i had you going? :confused:
  3. nalani

    "You know what I should have said?"

    Good for you, greenie! I was right behind ku'u when that jerk pulled in front of her .. he overtook me and her with cars coming! When I saw her husband getting ready to get out of the car, I was yelling "KICK HIS ASS!" :D
  4. nalani

    he's not dead? but he is?

    I'm tripping .. I must have been on another planet for the better part of this past year .. I coulda swore that Walter Cronkite was dead .. *nods* ... until, of course, he appeared as if by magic on the Emmy's last night .. and then, during the In Memoriam segment, I noticed that Richard Crenna...
  5. nalani

    Are your Online friends as important as your IRL friends?

    There are some people online that I genuinely care about. There are others that I could give a flying *beep* about. I have learned a valuable lesson at the BB's of late - be careful of giving your heart and your trust so easily and whom you regard as a friend. Guard your heart and your...
  6. nalani

    Morning all

    shaddup Squig :D the support, like most computer companies, can be pretty crappy .. but the thing is, you don't need them all that often ;)
  7. nalani

    Some pints for my grand-uncle...

    ~hugs~ I am so sorry for your loss
  8. nalani

    Morning all

    *hugs Neo and totally agrees with ku'u* I've missed you Sammy baby ... ;)
  9. nalani

    I don't want SPACKLE!

    omg - you guys are hilphreakinglarious! gf - I did it myself .. I've gotten pretty good at handling caulk ;)
  10. nalani

    Can you do this?

    aww. don't take it that way ... it just wasn't pretty, is all ~L~
  11. nalani

    I don't want SPACKLE!

    hehehe .. You are such a true friend .. I'll wait patiently til you find me some caulk ... hehehehehe
  12. nalani

    Can you do this?

    umm ku'u - you so weren't suppposed to tell :p MrBish, that was hella hard .. no pics .. I am so tired of the paparrazi .. (how do you spell that word, anyway? :D)
  13. nalani

    I don't want SPACKLE!

    ok .. so here's the story ... my window in my bedroom has been leaking lately so I wanted to get some caulking up in there to stop the drips. Me and my kids went to WalMart... My eldest son and I were standing in the Man Section (You know, paints, car batteries, tools, stuff like that) and I...
  14. nalani

    My lifelong gift ...

    holy crap - you guys know me too well :D well, let's see .. it's a toss up over who'll teach her about beer .. me... ku'u ... ku'u's husband (my cousin) .. or the three of us will just get together and teach her all at once :D
  15. nalani

    My lifelong gift ...

    for the record, I did NOT teach her "holy crap" .. though I sorta wish I had :D
  16. nalani

    My lifelong gift ...

    hehehe... I also taught our other two little nieces how to say that a while back ... I don't think they're mom's were appreciative :D
  17. nalani

    My lifelong gift ...

    because I love ku'u's baby girl oh so much and because I want her to always have something of "me", I gave her something so precious .. so priceless... that no one can EVER take away from her. I taught her how to say "holycow"! hehehehehe...
  18. nalani

    Can you do this?

    umm.. shaddup, ku'u :D yes, ok, I hurt myself .. concentrating so hard actually made my arm hurt .. :P :D
  19. nalani

    What are you watching?

    Oh, I'm a big OC fan ... and, of course, Wil & Grace but only the reruns because I have no cable and only two channels ... I've been into Paradise Hotel because it's funny to watch immature dummies :D
  20. nalani

    Where the hell

    yep .. the other day she asked me for an O'Douls ... umm.. that's like asking a Vampire for Holy Water .. never touch the stuff :D *hugs lil sis* hey girl ...didja miss me? Squigster - nope, I'm not preggers .. is that an offer? ;) :D