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  1. nalani

    Happy Monday after Halloween!

    awwww... the baby girl was soooo cute :) What a great non-stressful Halloween we had .. bonfire... games .. prizes .. spells ... and no walking! WOOHOO!!!! hehehehe
  2. nalani


    i know you were bored an all, but that is soooo phreaking cool! :D
  3. nalani

    Tough Love

    The Ash I'm talking about is ku'u's sister :D
  4. nalani

    An Affair To Remember

    the other night me and a friend watched the Cary Grant & Donna Kerr version of this movie and I had forgotten how much I loved it .. well, my friend had to go home just before the last 45 minutes of the movie (the best parts) and when I told her about it the next day, I started bawling and...
  5. nalani

    It's 8:15, nalani ...

    ~yawns~ ... i know .. i suck ...
  6. nalani

    Tough Love

    shaddup ku'u :p I spent the day yesterday wondering about the message I'm sending my kids about sucking it up ... but then I got over it :D hey ku'u - I went home to check on her and her and Ash are in my bed watching TV, sipping on their gatorades, looking like hell ran them over ... so...
  7. nalani

    Tough Love

    Alrighty .. so, yesterday my daughter said she has a little headache and I gave her some motrin (not unusual .. she gets headaches like I do and as long as we get it early, it's not a problem). She went to school as usual but they had a walking excursion yesterday to a place that she loves to...
  8. nalani

    It's 8:15, nalani ...

    ACK! because i'm finishing this crap for work .. and i have to go to the printer by 9 .. then check on my daughter .. and .. and ... i didn't finish my ha'i 'olelo .. and ... YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! (except, of course, on Saturday during the Teacher Training when you are the boss of me...
  9. nalani

    Life begins at 30?

    hey now .. it was just that once ... :D
  10. nalani

    Life begins at 30?

    well, she did marry a guy with a fire name .. and she has a baby girl with a loooong fire name ... what else did she expect? ~L~
  11. nalani

    All I want for Christmas ...

    *wants both of those things* any takers on playing Santa for me and ku'u this year? :brow:
  12. nalani

    the most important thing about the World Series...

    what? He's dating Mariah??!!!! That is soooooo wrong ... very VERY no
  13. nalani

    the most important thing about the World Series...

    .. is that Derek Jeter is HOT! :brow:
  14. nalani

    pink eye epidemic

    Hey now, Gato .. you have to weigh this out ... stay home because you might get pink eye? or come on down because me and ku'u are here? :brow: btw- pink eye goes away in about a week .. the memory of me and ku'u will last a lifetime :D
  15. nalani

    Life begins at 30?

    BUT the evening wasn't a total loss .. we took a beach cruise, ended up at our girlfriend's house (she lives on the beach and everyone frequents her house) and ate won ton min soup and socialized with the girls... :)
  16. nalani

    pink eye epidemic

    Gawd, he's so dumb ... and he's the one who teaches HEALTH :D
  17. nalani

    Life begins at 30?

    :D .. well, there was this one time where 26 of us went to see "Finding Nemo" at the theater - it was great ... we shoulda just rented the whole place out ~L~ ... at least I don't make the theater catch on fire when I plan to go *ducks*
  18. nalani

    Holiday traditions

    I know just how you feel, greenie .. My immediate family is huge but we still get together every Christmas and open gifts. I wouldn't mind just doing the 'my own little family' thing because there are 35 of us and it takes literally hours and hours to open gifts - but it is fun. The only...
  19. nalani

    Movies in the park

    I cannot believe I forgot about the corn thing ... He remembers the movie we showed from a year ago, and I forget about the popcorn .. oh well ... at least you're a cheap date .. come on down :D
  20. nalani

    Life begins at 30?

    I'll go to Borders alone .. but that's really about it .. I've been to the movies alone but that was back in Waimea where you can sorta come and go inconspicuously at the small movie theater out there ... any other moment, I need an entourage :D