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  1. nalani

    Ibm Sucks!

    *that's why I'm a Mac girl* :)
  2. nalani

    Who hasn't done their taxes yet?

    *didn't get the Hope Tax Credit* guess there's no Hope for me! :D *would like to apologize for the corniness of the aforementioned joke* :D:D
  3. nalani

    so that makes me ...

    *is locking him in the house* hehehehehe omg ...
  4. nalani

    so that makes me ...

    *puts my head down, covers my ears, shuts my eyes and screams* AARRRGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. nalani

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    as long as there are different cultures, religions, and points of view, there will never be world peace. the thing is, I'm not sure what the definition of world peace means to everyone .. if it means "we all think the same and do the same things" then, I don't think I want it .. cause the...
  6. nalani

    Who hasn't done their taxes yet?

    dang .. don't spend it all in one place, Inky ... *L* I did my federal back in February ... this is the only time of the year I don't mind being a poor, single parent .. can someone say "Child Tax Credit" and "Earned Income Credit"? :D
  7. nalani

    so that makes me ...

    My son is 15 today ... the big 1-5 Nothing makes you feel older than a child of yours that keeps getting older *L* He's great though .. ooohhh .. to be 15 again ... the laughter .. the fun .. the fights with your boyfriend .. the decisions of what clothes to wear .. the nights of trying to...
  8. nalani

    How smart are you?

    10/11 ... I got the apple one wrong ... then it said I have a mediocre love life .... hmmmm......
  9. nalani

    I swear, I'm still alive

    ewwwwwww, rob ... very very very ewwww....:sick:
  10. nalani

    I swear, I'm still alive

    nope - she didn't kidnap me but she musta kidnapped someone cause the other night we were watching tv and something under her shirt was moving :eek: :D
  11. nalani

    I swear, I'm still alive

    umm.. shaddup you non-beer drinker :P that's the best I could come up with without a nap :D
  12. nalani

    I swear, I'm still alive

    I know I haven't been around .. been really really busy in the last few weeks ... thought I'd have something interesting to say about my adventures as of late but I guess I don't ... :( I need a nap
  13. nalani

    I knew the Mac was good for something

    *is wondering how many of y'all Mac-Haters created a DVD as of yet... or two ... like I have .. on my Mac* :P :D
  14. nalani

    I am the SH*T!!!!

    *didn't need to know that* :D *agrees wholeheartedly*
  15. nalani

    I am the SH*T!!!!

    hey Gonzo - I promise you, if you turn on one Mac G4, you'll be turned on ;) ooh .. that sounded rather pervy! ... oh well :whip:
  16. nalani

    I am the SH*T!!!!

    *giggles at ku'u as I chug on a beer (of course, on her behalf as well because I am a good friend) and look around at all the MAC equipment I have sitting in the cubicle .... sticking my tongue out at Gonzo cause I'm secure in my Mac-hood and thinking perhaps he has some underlying Mac-phobias...
  17. nalani

    I am the SH*T!!!!

    I say to hell with both of those options and go for some beer ... those two things are giving me one helluva headache right about now :(
  18. nalani

    I am the SH*T!!!!

    tamango - well, you can find those kinds of girls right here on Xibase ... but you're right .. if you're from Hawai'i, you should come home ... and by the way - welcome to the site ... :) *runs and hugs Q cause I've been neglecting her* ... hey, sissy! You know I love it when you twirl! ;)...
  19. nalani

    I am the SH*T!!!!

    hey - as long as there's a party .. I'll be there! WOOHOO!!!!!! umm... yer not looking at a Porn Wedding Party DVD, are you ku'u? :D
  20. nalani

    I am the SH*T!!!!

    Kruz - you know me too well ... yes, I am a Mac Queen!!! Huge - I used iDVD in conjunction with DVD Studio Pro ... once you get the hang of it, it's not that hard .. it's just retracing your steps when you've done something right and you want to duplicate the look ... but I tell you - it is...