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  1. nalani

    pink eye epidemic

    i'm amazed that ku'u and i haven't gotten *omits word for fear that putting the word in this sentence will make us get the word that is previously omitted* ku'u - was that our dumb cousin who came in the glasses? He has a burner at home, why didn't he just take care of it himself? *gr* ...
  2. nalani

    Movies in the park

    awww, come on .. what's a few grand when there's this kind of social gathering to be had ...think of it ... futons and sleeping bags on the ground ... movies projected on a wall where geckos feel the need to strut across ... an endless supply of popcorn, arare, raisinets and skittles ... I dare...
  3. nalani

    Movies in the park

    we have a projector and a computer and we shoot the image on the wall of the my aunty's house ... we use speakers for the surround sound action ... it's pretty great .. we need to have those moments more often. Definitely cheaper and funner than going to the movies.
  4. nalani

    Life begins at 30?

    wow .. 90% ... that much, huh? ~L~ ... for me it was more like 99% hot air ... :D
  5. nalani

    Movies in the park

    :D @ "wang" ... at least you all knew what I meant .. :p Last night was great - we watched "the Goonies", "Final Destination 2" and "2Fast, 2 Furious" ... one of our friends made sushi, I made fried saimin, ku'u made miso soup, and another of our friends made chicken and broccoli. We had...
  6. nalani

    Movies in the park

    So, we settles with the Dark Crystal and the Lion King - The Never Ending Story was out at Blockbuster and since he was a toddler, he loved the Lion King and I think he was feeling a bit nostalgic for his younger days :D We have the Princess Bride and that's one of their favs. I haven't let...
  7. nalani

    Movies in the park

    holy cow - I just finished typing a whole response and it just disappeared :( anyway, I'm surprised that you remember the movie we played last year, unc- I'm impressed. :) Dark Crystal would be perfect, but I don't think it's out on DVD. He's seen it a long time ago, but I don't think...
  8. nalani

    Movies in the park

    Today is my son's birthday - he turns 12 ... He wants basically the same kind of party we had for him last year: movies in the courtyard (between my house, ku'u's house, and ku'u's mother-in-law's house) and dinner outside. This year he wants spaghetti, salad, bread with olive oil and balsamic...
  9. nalani

    Life begins at 30?

    I will agree with that .. I'm so much happier in my 30's than I ever thought I was in my 20's. I'm a better mom, a better friend, and a better person. The big thing about my 20's was I thought I knew everything. But now, in my mid 30's, I know I know everything :D .. kidding .. I'm kidding ...
  10. nalani

    MY bouquet of roses

    hey - no fair, you got flowers .. he pissed me off too .. well, he pissed you off and that's pissing me off by association! ~nods~ .. where are my damned flowers? :D
  11. nalani

    *eye twitches*

    it'll be ok, Nixy .. I got a C on my Hawaiian Language Test and a C on my Ethical Theory mid-term ... yep .. the 4.0 girl is no more ...
  12. nalani

    Mind games

    *needs a beer now* :D
  13. nalani

    The Death Penalty

    Just to clear up, I never said I prefer the death penalty for users just because they're users - I said many do because of the violent crimes their use leads to. Just wanted to clear that one up ... You might be closed minded greenie - but then again, so am I .. and it suits me just fine...
  14. nalani

    The Death Penalty

    ***disclaimer*** Now, before anyone starts jumping on my back, I am being honest in that this is MY opinion based on MY experiences .. you may have a varying opinion, and that's fine for you, but unless and until anyone has lived through it the way I have, I would really appreciate not being...
  15. nalani

    The Death Penalty

    I'm too biased in this area Bish - but not about all inmates. I do believe Drug Dealers and producers should be burnt at the stake. I just don't have sympathy for them or want for their return to society. Before anyone asks, no, I don't believe they deserve a second chance - but that's just...
  16. nalani

    he's not dead? but he is?

    *shakes head* nope .. sorry .. I don't do those "post threads to call attention to myself" stuff ... and I don't do the "start rumors through posts" either .. unless, of course, it's about ku'u - all those rumor I start about her are true .. or have an essence of trueness :D
  17. nalani

    Tsunami Watch

    Yes, the entire island is a volcano but the chances of your getting your house burned by lava is way way way higher if you build right in the active area - the other side of the island is not at immediate risk because the flow from an active area won't reach there ..
  18. nalani

    he's not dead? but he is?

    see? I knew I wasn't the only one who thought he was dead! :D
  19. nalani

    he's not dead? but he is?

    oohh .. sorry .. i don't pay attention to many threads .. most on purpose .. no wonder i was lost
  20. nalani

    Tsunami Watch

    watch is cancelled ~whew~ ... that was quick! :D