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  1. freako104

    Are your Online friends as important as your IRL friends?

    theyre about the same for me. I care about everyone I consider a friend either on or offline and I hope that they care about me too
  2. freako104

    Some pints for my grand-uncle...

    :beerbang: my condolences noite. hope your doing allright
  3. freako104

    My lifelong gift ...

    :rofl: im sure youll teach her about beer tho ;)
  4. freako104


    the fact he did it in the first place would mess her up mentally.
  5. freako104

    Whacked url of the day

    not the gnomes!!! and wheres david the gnome?
  6. freako104

    My lifelong gift ...

    :eek: holy ****
  7. freako104


    thats sad. just because of that but on that same token how do you know the ex-wife would let him see her? that may have played a role.
  8. freako104

    What are you watching?

    ive heard of that but I never saw it. its supposed to be cheesy as hell. if it is ill have to give it a watch
  9. freako104

    My lifelong gift ...

    :lol: thats so cute
  10. freako104

    Which star wars character are you?

    1. Yoda :headbang: 2. Palpentine :mope:
  11. freako104


    yes but isnt suicide a form of euthanasia.
  12. freako104

    Yoko Ono to go nude again for World Peace...

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that violates human rights somehow!!!!!!! no please we beg of you!!!! sne her to Iraq like that. theyll surrender immediatly.
  13. freako104

    Does anyone else despise David Spade?

    there is no conflict. he still makes movies
  14. freako104


    it happens. sad but true. it is selfish but maybe he felt life wasnt worth it. many times when someone commits suicide its because they dont see a way out. they dont know how it will affect others because they probably feel unloved. my condolences to the mans family. hope theyre doing ok.
  15. freako104


    ill say it on here too. Im for it but only if the person has made the decision to do so. noone should have the decision made for them either they want to live or they dont. however I would try to talk them out of it but I wont stop them from making said decision. same with the suicide
  16. freako104

    What are you watching?

    MXC,Adult Swim(yay i get to see cartoon network again),and the cartoon block on comedy central,reno 911.
  17. freako104

    Does anyone else despise David Spade?

    i saw it last night. its allright. i will admit i thought the fact they used real child stars was kinda cool.
  18. freako104


    and here i thought people are smarter. and I totally agree with Prof on this one. blame the dumbass. not the show.
  19. freako104

    Where the hell

    i post over at OT a lot. but i wont let this or jjr512 die
  20. freako104

    It's the most wonderful time of the year!

    I went back on august 23. classes began the 25th. fall break is coming soon tho.