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  1. freako104

    MY bouquet of roses

    im a fan of black roses :D but roses in general are beautiful :)
  2. freako104

    MY bouquet of roses

    coolness :D
  3. freako104

    The Death Penalty

    rapists,moleters,murderers. and also violent offenders of any kind should get harsher punishments in general
  4. freako104

    my birds.....

    sammys the coolest looking of the bunch. hope theyre not driving you nuts
  5. freako104

    Homosexuals get the bum rap? (Dblpost-OTC)

    they are but because of bigotry and hate.
  6. freako104

    Paedophiles...where do we put them? (Dbl-post-OTC)

    i mentioned it in your other thread. i am for the death penalty for kiddie fuckers
  7. freako104

    Thought of the day

    if it doesnt have one i usually just use the arrow keys. my comp back home doesnt have one
  8. freako104

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    as mentioned some doctors are bad some are good. therye people.
  9. freako104

    Tarantino has lost his mind

    i have a tremendous amount of respect for him as both a director and actor although squiggs got it on the head. he thinks gore is all the audience wants. although he does make some good statements in certain movies
  10. freako104

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    not all of them do that. and im not the only one. PT also would say the same thing i am
  11. freako104

    Idiot Mothers

    thankfully. but the bitch should never be able to see her child again after that. she doesnt give a shit
  12. freako104

    The Death Penalty

    anything with strong feelings such as this are never easy subject manner
  13. freako104

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    as i said before in the other thread take things into consideration. rape victims generally dont come forward and if they do they do so usually after a long time. some dont take as long but generally it does. that said it doesnt mean they were if they are trying to play something off or if...
  14. freako104

    Gay/Lesbian religious unions (Marriage)

    ive said it before: its their life and they should have the right to do so if they choose.
  15. freako104

    The Death Penalty

    for it in terms of crimes such as rape,molestation or murder.
  16. freako104

    Self-defence vs. Vigilantiesm (Where to draw the legal line)

    vigilantism: going after a suspected perpetrator. doing whatever you can to him/her. taking the law into your own hands self defense: protecting yourself or those you care about
  17. freako104

    Bowling for Columbine

    great movie. happens all teh time in inner city schools, but the media doesnt use them :rolleyes: its about ratings and most suburban schools are usually safe. and its a pick/choose thing with the news. its more news if its not expected or soemthing like that
  18. freako104

    So how's your spelling?

    i missed 22
  19. freako104

    Pra and SK get married (pics inside)

    congrats guys!!! looking good :)
  20. freako104

    A little dyslexic today

    better be free