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  1. Nihilistic

    Mac Switch ???

    The file format is invalid.(is it me, or did that sound intelligent :D)
  2. Nihilistic

    What's for dinner?

    My grandma takes me to this buffet every time i go back home, and its one of those places where all the poor people go and hide food in the purses and bookbags and stuff, but its got some great food...
  3. Nihilistic

    What's for dinner?

    Today i had a whopper value meal with my cousins pickles, onions, tomatoes, foliage that he didnt want, with 10 french fries on the whopper, lotsa salt, extra ketchup, and a large fry, part of a balanced meal, boy you i feal healthy:D
  4. Nihilistic

    What's for dinner?

    Some stale lucky charms, some scrambled eggs with hot sauce, a hot dog, some crackers, a pbnj sandwich and a bagel:sick:
  5. Nihilistic

    [color=red]Virus Alert!!!!!!![/color]

    Why am i not suprised that they made one that attacks your anti-virus
  6. Nihilistic

    Anyone pick up War3 yet?

    While were on the subject, anyone with warcraft3 wanna play 1on1? :D
  7. Nihilistic

    Nice virus

    See, things like this is why i never check my mail
  8. Nihilistic

    Whacked image of the day

    I wouldnt cut it open for a p4, psh
  9. Nihilistic

    3dfx: Woulda, coulda...shoulda

    Me to...:cry:
  10. Nihilistic

    Bridge Commander

    Star Trek...blah:sick:
  11. Nihilistic

    Whacked story of the day

    His double chin would have protected him:laugh:
  12. Nihilistic

    Is Ted Kazinski's place for rent or sale

    I never did like sesame streat...i was one for GI Joe...and x-men..
  13. Nihilistic

    Seasoned Microwaved Pork Chops

    What about lemon pepper!? that goes on everything..i eat it plain, for a snack..screw that meat rub! lol
  14. Nihilistic

    486 laptop question

    screw that, get doom!
  15. Nihilistic

    OK guys PCPITSTOP lazy for pic
  16. Nihilistic


    Learn to spell confidently?
  17. Nihilistic

    Excuse me.. ummm.. kicken?

    Can i have one?:D
  18. Nihilistic

    Time to fight fire with fire...

    He wont get time, hes 14, they will feel sorry and all that other crap...unless he already has a record..then hes screwed...
  19. Nihilistic

    Invisible users

    The only thing visable is my one sentance meaningless and misspelled replies...
  20. Nihilistic

    Warcraft 3 has gone gold!

    My dad recently bought it for me, i played it for hours ...a great game...Unlike the previuos...there is now strategy! and there are heros that can lvl up and gain skills simaler to diablo...and they can buy upgrades and potions and such at mercinary shops..and with 2 new races each have there...