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  1. Nihilistic

    Addiction waiting to happen...

    well screw you:screwyou: ive been playing diablo since the first one came out, the day i got it installed it on my 486, been playing diablo ever since.they may not continue the series, but its gonna be a classic!!
  2. Nihilistic


    are there any fans out there, come on, im not the only one
  3. Nihilistic


    <a href=""><img src="" border=0 alt="I'm A Shambler! Take the 'What Quake monster am I?' test!"></a> or a shambler(im bored)
  4. Nihilistic

    "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex,"

    obfuscatory websters sez... ob·fus·cate To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand: “A great effort was made... to obscure or obfuscate the truth” (Robert Conquest). To render indistinct or dim; darken: The fog obfuscated the shore.
  5. Nihilistic

    "Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex,"

    And you act suprised, please, you would be suprised how many lesbians there are at public schools, and even more suprised how many are open about it...
  6. Nihilistic


    10mbps!?!?! your a lucky basterd,in my school, our network is so slow, it takes 10 minutes for a report to be sent to the printer 10 inches away from me, and it takes forever to send a message to a friend!!!:banghead: :screwyou:
  7. Nihilistic

    Addiction waiting to happen...

    A brand new rpg called dungeon seige, look at the screenshots, they speek for themselves this just might be the diablo killer:cry:
  8. Nihilistic

    New Slogan

  9. Nihilistic


    Pure eye candy, i love it, i cant wait to get it,10869,2845244,00.html
  10. Nihilistic

    Porn won't go away!! Help!!!

    I had the same problem, but i think i got it from downloading things from whothout nav real time protect said something like ras not installed, it minimize my games, really pissed me off, i tried ad-aware, virus scans, deleting temp files, cookies, ect.ect., so i was like...
  11. Nihilistic

    DOOM! (well figures anyways)

    doom and anime, life is now simple and sweet
  12. Nihilistic

    Water cooled X-Box

    why?? my x-box dosent need cooling.....
  13. Nihilistic

    Fury, you were the first one I thought of when I read this story

    My poor logitech optical mouse.....:(
  14. Nihilistic

    We still have a members gallery, btw

    All i got is pics of me and my friends doing stupid things, would that work?
  15. Nihilistic

    It'll drive ya nuts

    Ive been at this forever, my brain dosnt work right
  16. Nihilistic

    Karma? wtf is dis?

    <^>(^_^)<^> t(*_*t)
  17. Nihilistic

    Karma? wtf is dis?

    all this reading, arggg
  18. Nihilistic

    Karma? wtf is dis?

    eww, trippy
  19. Nihilistic

    Karma? wtf is dis?

    and wh is my karma growing
  20. Nihilistic

    Karma? wtf is dis?

    Havent been on, ive been busy or something, wtf is this Karma anyways?