Search results

  1. Nihilistic

    Insomnia sux

    Sure the hell beats insomnia...after the first week...Your never really asleep but your never really awake, you sip your coffee and try to nod off, but fail miserably, and you stay up late and watch infomercials and eventually they become interesting and you buy some hair spraypaint that will...
  2. Nihilistic

    im back

  3. Nihilistic

    Insomnia sux

    Thats my new excuse when i fall asleep in class... "wake up!" "But teacher, i have narcolepsy" *falls over and sleeps*
  4. Nihilistic

    Whacked fat golfer gluing his hand story of the day

    They make surgical glue to replace stitches, but im fond of duct tape...
  5. Nihilistic

    Insomnia sux

    Not when i wake up and theres a HUGE red spot on my forehead from my hand....
  6. Nihilistic

    Insomnia sux

    I always sleep during the day..even during school....
  7. Nihilistic

    Web page making

    I have a short Attention span, ill have a good idea, start it off, think of better idea...then all of a sudden...Dude, this sucks, i quit
  8. Nihilistic

    Insomnia sux

  9. Nihilistic

    Do you think this will fly?

    O great, a new goal for hackers...
  10. Nihilistic

    Insomnia sux

    Valume in your friend....
  11. Nihilistic

    Roll Call

    I think its how helpful you are...that why mines so low =-/
  12. Nihilistic

    Roll Call

    Low Karma means were stoopid loozers!see, look at mine
  13. Nihilistic

    Public Service Announcement

  14. Nihilistic

    Roll Call

    Who brought the tartar sauce?:retard:
  15. Nihilistic

    Roll Call

    Ahh, where am i:retard:
  16. Nihilistic

    Games you own...

    I got alot more, but i only added the ones i play often
  17. Nihilistic

    Unreal Tournament 2003 (w/ screenshots)

    :eek: :eek:
  18. Nihilistic

    Games you own...

    Never said they had to be "legal":D
  19. Nihilistic

    Mac Switch ???

    ROFL! and its so true!
  20. Nihilistic

    Games you own...

    Make a list of the games you own, im just a bit curious.Anyways, heres mine Computer: Warcraft III Diablo II LoD Warcraft II Starcraft Brood War Anarchy Online Tribes 2 Quake III Quake II Diablo Vampire: The Masqerade Ranbow six+mission pack Delta Force X-Box: Halo Gunvalkry...