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  1. MrBishop

    Where the hell

    That would depend on the body in question :)
  2. MrBishop

    Where the hell

    Hi Gato...we're discussing why a lot of core OTCers are beeing seen on Xi again. Speaking of which...welcome back! GOt all the sand out of your undies yet?
  3. MrBishop

    "You know what I should have said?"

    At that height...either the guys wheels would be torn off, or the pole would come down on his car. Never happened far as I know. You have to undestand the mentality of some drivers in my area. There are these nice long straight streets....can you say Drag!?! SOme parts of it...
  4. MrBishop

    "You know what I should have said?"

    No one's really holding the chain...they had it hooked into a pole sunken into cement on the edge of someone's lawn on one side, and on the was wrapped and padlocked to a lightpost. To my one actually tried to run it over.
  5. MrBishop

    The Death Penalty

    What he fails to say is that America has that many more people in it than the countries which it compares itself against. It's not statistically significant unless you can get a per capita number. Let's say...5 out of every thousand deaths are caussed by violent crimes etc...
  6. MrBishop

    Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide!

    BAN DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE! Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form...
  7. MrBishop

    "You know what I should have said?"

    I live accross the street from a high school...the biggest in the city, in fact. I can't be bothered to follow school speed signs when school is out, but I'm not a maniac anyways. Speed limits in residential areas, I follow! Lots of kids in my area...lots! I don't speed! A few years...
  8. MrBishop

    "You know what I should have said?"

    Now that I'm a father, I despise those that run past school busses with their lights on. I used to just sit and steam, and perhaps swear a bit when I was stuck behind them...but I never passed by one myself.
  9. MrBishop

    The Death Penalty

    SInce I've been reading the paper and watching the news lately, I've developed a special kind of sensation. It's a combination of "sick to my stomach" and "Self-rightiousness". It makes me want to write to my governament and ask them to reinstate the death penalty. Practically every day, I...
  10. MrBishop

    Are your Online friends as important as your IRL friends?

    I have lots of friend yearly BBQ proves taht to me, just in the bills alone, and I also have lots of online friends, which my email box and MSN contacts shows easily. I'm unlikely to meet most of my online buds, mostly because of the rules of Geography and Accounting (I can't afford...
  11. MrBishop

    Justintime - Rest in Peace

    This is fucked...sorry, to be so blunt, but it is. I'm getting emails from OTCers saying he's dead, then he's alive, I read through 105+ messages all condolences, and then...poof, he's back! I'm getting my heart pulled all over the place, and I'm not liking it. Please let him be...
  12. MrBishop

    Justintime - Rest in Peace

    Good morning, I'm not sure how many of you on Xi are/were also members of OTC, but a long time member of OTC has just passed on. I've listed teh OTC link here: If you knew Justin and would like to post there, please do so. Thank you Marc "MrBishop' Gendron Rest in Peace Justin
  13. MrBishop

    Can you do this?

    :( - I'll just have to wait then... How's the newest member of the tribe?
  14. MrBishop

    Whacked url of the day

    MrB introduces MrT Mr.T vs. Everything
  15. MrBishop

    Morning all

    Don't do the Dell!!!!! DO NOT...DON'T!!! Never never never... Sure, their customer service is great, but the product isn't..they're integrators....they buy thousands of parts and put them together there are problems with conflicts in the system. Especially...don't...
  16. MrBishop

    Whacked url of the day

    Whacked URL (September 17 th, 2003) Here Sick of praying? Ask Satan!
  17. MrBishop

    I don't want SPACKLE!

    You use latex on your caulk? Good against std's, but on the ceiling?
  18. MrBishop

    Can you do this?

    Maybe we can get Ku'u to do it instead ;)
  19. MrBishop

    Can you do this?

    That's a close enough spelling for me to start feeling hurt :( Now, I'm pouting...though I'm sure that I don't look as nice doing it as you would, m'dear :)
  20. MrBishop

    Whacked url of the day

    Here's a whacked site, dedicated to Squiggy :)