Can you do this?


New Member
While sitting at your desk make clockwise circles with your right foot.

While doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.

What direction is your foot going now?


New Member
lmao ku'u! counter clockwise...which is weird, cause I CAN do the rubbing belly while patting head thing :retard:


New Member
lol The first time my foot changed, almost like I didn't even realize that it happened. My foot is posessed!!

The second time (while concentrating) I was able to do it but it didn't feel right. :D


Felix Culpa
Cute... OK, for the ladies.

Stand up and while balancing on your tippy-toes, arch your back, lean forward and pout. You can use your hands on your thighs to keep your balance.

If you can do this for more than 30 seconds without falling...take photographic evidence and PM me :)


greenie - that phreaked the hell out of me too because I was totally unaware that my foot had changed direction .. when I did it a second time, I was concentrating so hard on my foot that my hand changed direction :D


umm.. shaddup, ku'u :D

yes, ok, I hurt myself .. concentrating so hard actually made my arm hurt .. :P



Felix Culpa
Originally posted by MrBishop
Cute... OK, for the ladies.

Stand up and while balancing on your tippy-toes, arch your back, lean forward and pout. You can use your hands on your thighs to keep your balance.

If you can do this for more than 30 seconds without falling...take photographic evidence and PM me :)



Felix Culpa
Originally posted by kuulani
Actually, MrBish ... I could've sworn that I saw nalani trying that one out ;)

Didja get a pic? The fine people at Xi will want to see this. :)

How're things, BTW? Havn't seen a post by either you or Nalani in a while...glad t'have you two back.


umm ku'u - you so weren't suppposed to tell :p

MrBish, that was hella hard .. no pics .. I am so tired of the paparrazi .. (how do you spell that word, anyway? :D)


Felix Culpa
That's a close enough spelling for me to start feeling hurt :(

Now, I'm pouting...though I'm sure that I don't look as nice doing it as you would, m'dear :)