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  1. MrBishop

    Homosexuals get the bum rap? (Dblpost-OTC)

    Good morning folx...just got a fax which set me off. It's a petition going against Homosexual Marriage and used several popular arguments...religious and terminological. The one that caught my eye was that "If gays were allowed to be married, this would allow them to adopt. It is well known that...
  2. MrBishop

    MrBish goes postal

    I dunno...last time I shook your hand, I could've sworn that I saw pecans falling to the floor.
  3. MrBishop

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    Art's not paying the bills...yet. I waited a logn time before going into it. Still think that I would've made a great teacher (Humanities).
  4. MrBishop

    MrBish goes postal

    It's hopping again Gonz...just not hopping w/ kiddies and nut-bars :)
  5. MrBishop

    October is Breast-Cancer Awareness Month

    Nice stamp GF...reminds me of my cousin's the use of shadowed figures and concentrating on the materials they are wearing as opposed to the person wearing them. Thanks f rthe support
  6. MrBishop

    October is Breast-Cancer Awareness Month

    During 2003 an estimated 211,300 new cases of breast cancer are expected to occur among women in the United States. NBCAM encourages all women to recognize the importance of early detection by participating in National Mammography Day on October 17, 2003. Everyone knows or will know someone...
  7. MrBishop


  8. MrBishop


    Welcome Paul! The 50's on me!
  9. MrBishop

    Gay/Lesbian religious unions (Marriage)

    Here's the rub-what if they're God-Loving people who want to celebrate their love in front of God and marry in a church?
  10. MrBishop

    MrBish goes postal

    Ooh...THEM!!! Ye Gads...please don't let certain peeps in here...please!!! Pretty please with a mach-10 on top!
  11. MrBishop

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    Psst made one your daughter's godfather, 'member? You get to see a whole whack more of them at my BBQ every year. There are at least 7 every year...specializing in Child-Psyche, all working for Batshaw Youth and Family Services :)
  12. MrBishop

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    Gonz-yeah...they were called mothers, fathers and best friends. SOmetimes...those aren't available, or they don't know how to help, or they just can't help. Problems fester...issues get subdued into the sub-conscious and like big-ol baloons, they rise up again. Bigger and badder than ever. Think...
  13. MrBishop

    MrBish goes postal

    Hey...I still have A13...he's no slouch either, but at least his every-other post doesn't involve guns in some way :)
  14. MrBishop

    MrBish goes postal

    Argue with them? :rolleyes: Hell...I can't even seem to talk with this one... sigh...oh well. I guess that I'm just going to have to hang out here for a while and hit Ignore more often over there. Such is life. In the meanwhile...make some space. I'm moving some threads over.
  15. MrBishop

    The Death Penalty

    SInce I've been reading the paper and watching the news lately, I've developed a special kind of sensation. It's a combination of "sick to my stomach" and "Self-rightiousness". It makes me want to write to my governament and ask them to reinstate the death penalty. Practically every day, I hear...
  16. MrBishop

    Gay/Lesbian religious unions (Marriage)

    Working for an Anglican church in Canada means that I am innundated with questions and opinion on the topic daily. Some people are all for restrictions, others are opposed to the term "Marriage" being used for homosexuals because the common definition for marriage is between a man and a...
  17. MrBishop

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    Rape is a cancer on society and the evil that resides in all ages, races and genders. The rape/molestation of a child is a horrible thing to conceptualize, and in my opinion, the worst of all crimes. Here's the kicker...some people, in their adulthood, uncover memories about rapes which they...
  18. MrBishop

    Self-defence vs. Vigilantiesm (Where to draw the legal line)

    Obviously...different places will have different definitions/interpretations of the law and the line between the two. Where would you draw the line ?
  19. MrBishop

    MrBish goes postal

    I must've gone nuts for about 10 mins there and typed my feverish brian out on OTC. I sweear...that's the first time in ages since anyone's gotten my blood boiling to that point. If I'd had a gun..I would've shot AE and I was argueing against guns f'r crissakes! *Takes a deep breath* I...
  20. MrBishop

    So how's your spelling?

    desiccate weird accommodate embarrassment seize battalion definitely liaison consensus millennium judgment inoculate existence drunkenness occurrence sacrilegious insistent coolly supersede I missed 19 of them... That's Sacrilige!