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  1. MrBishop


    Actually...I was looking to see the differences in the types of responces on here AOT the ones on OTC....see how much smarter this site was than the other.
  2. MrBishop

    Is the Internet the next "Opiate for the Masses" ?

    Works great for you Ku'u , but what about your kiddies?
  3. MrBishop


    Euthanasia or assisted suicide in Greek means "easy death". There are two types of euthanasia. The first type is the one discussed the most often; Active euthanasia is the use of tools to induce death; that is, drug overdoses, stopping life-saving devices, poisons, suffication etc...
  4. MrBishop

    Is the Internet the next "Opiate for the Masses" ?

    Those only work on the oblivious teachers. If you're actually paying attention to your pupils, you can tell who should be able to write what...beyond all that, a quick question about the topic or its' specifics will let you know if they truly understood it or copied.
  5. MrBishop

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    Dag GF!!! You certainly deserve the name :) Rusty must thank you daily for the extra intake of Oxygen in his every breath :)
  6. MrBishop

    Tripped on the OTC and fell in here don't get it...even if you liked'd hate this one!
  7. MrBishop

    What are you watching?

    I don't have cable anymore, so MrsBish and I don't watch a whole lot of TV. When we do's West Wing (Perhaps the best group of writers on television today) and the occasional coroner/police drama like CSI...which has bad personalities, but decent science to it. I miss TLC and...
  8. MrBishop

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    I've got seeds from wild Tiger-Lillies at home, and I'll sow them before the first snows for sure. Hey are you on indoor plants, or are you mostly an outdoor gardener?
  9. MrBishop

    Is the Internet the next "Opiate for the Masses" ?

    Hi Ku'u !! :) No video games...I tend to agree with you, but no internet? I tend to agree with PT, when he says that it can be a powerful is a researcher's Heaven... I wish taht I had had such a tool at my fingertips when I was working on all those projects in High School. All I...
  10. MrBishop

    Tripped on the OTC and fell in here

    Just avoid that damnable sweet beer that Prof has been trying to pawn off on everyone he's in front of the Frosted Frog. If the doors are locked...try the windows. With the right key, you can break pretty much any windon in town, Prof :)
  11. MrBishop

    Obligatory "what plant did greenfreak buy today" thread

    I've had grape-hyacinths before...they're remarkably hardy plants...and very nice. They don't match the bloom paterns from the rest of my flowers though, so they had to go. NExt year, I'm going for orange base with some yellow thrown in for good measure. Maybe some Tiger-lilies to go with my...
  12. MrBishop

    Guess who?

    Boy George?
  13. MrBishop

    Does anyone else despise David Spade?

    ROFL: Jack Vettriano - He's a great artist, but his work is starting to get too popular, ya know. I'm starting to see it in all poster stores that I pass, on postcards etc... Suddenly, I'm not original anymore :( Maybe I'll change my AV to something else for a bit, to reduce the use of his...
  14. MrBishop

    Is the Internet the next "Opiate for the Masses" ?

    I would think that there are millions of porn sites out there because it's the quick money...the same reason why there are millions of pop-ups and banner ads, and spam. The other side of that arguement is that there are a large number of porn/gambling/spam places because Web-designers just...
  15. MrBishop

    Does anyone else despise David Spade?

    Not a big David Spade I'll avoid his flicks anyway. Speaking of films to avoid... do NOT go see "The Order" - the PR on it makes it look like a great flick. The reality is that it's Eurotrash POS film, with the only positive thing about seeing it is the greasy popcorn that you...
  16. MrBishop

    Is the Internet the next "Opiate for the Masses" ?

    They used to say the same thing about school. Teaching people to read/write would allow them to start thinking for themselves and make decisions that might be harmful for themselves and others. Literacy didn't seem to do that, but the internet is unfortunatly not only good stuff to read. It's...
  17. MrBishop

    *tips toes in*

    Why good to see you here :)
  18. MrBishop

    Tripped on the OTC and fell in here

    It has begun! Let's see how it turns out, shall we?
  19. MrBishop

    Is the Internet the next "Opiate for the Masses" ?

    Religion used to be considered the Opiate for the masses. It rendered them listless and inactive, mostly out of fear for the repurcussions from God and the church. Television became the next recognized Opiate, with names like the Boob-Tube and the Idiot-Box, churning out zombies raised more...
  20. MrBishop

    Tripped on the OTC and fell in here

    Starting New I've got double the job now, eh? Post seriously thoughtful threads here, and get in trouble and post super-fluffers on OTC and get in trouble... or was that vice-versa? Hmmm.... I guess that I'd better get started then, or I'll never get my snazzy Xi-Av up...