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  1. flavio

    Got me a new Car

    Looks like you got a new avatar too :D That's a big yard you got there.
  2. flavio

    Football Season

    My Bay Area teams did pretty well. Raiders came out on top in a game that they had just about pissed away. 49ers just sort of hung out all game and then turned it on at the last minute.
  3. flavio

    NFL week 1 can you out pick me?

    Oakland WINS! hahahahahha.....
  4. flavio

    Football Season

    Should be able to get almost all the games on DirectTV s4?
  5. flavio

    No more ICQ

    You get hung up on weird stuff man, ICQ does the job pretty well for me.
  6. flavio

    What the frack is some people's problem with paying $20 for a service?

    CYA - Cover your a$$. :D Don't tell me you don't have IE on a machine of yours?
  7. flavio

    What the frack is some people's problem with paying $20 for a service?

    Should have let him decide between the newer version of Adaptec w/ IE or older version without. That way he's making the call and can't bitch. Sounds like maybe you made the call for him, ot else he didn't fully understand the situation before the work was done.
  8. flavio

    What the frack is some people's problem with paying $20 for a service?

    What exactly was the big hangup about IE?
  9. flavio

    Countdown to NFL week1

    The Raiders should be good again. I'd like to see Tim Couch do something for Cleveland this year. As always I will be watching the Vikings closely since the Carter/Moss/Culpepper combo is one of the best ever.
  10. flavio

    I'm moving up in the world!

    You bought it from Brainsoft? Be careful. :D
  11. flavio

    I love PHP

    I'll have to check it out. I know a bit of asp and our company uses a proprietary language similar to cold fusion.
  12. flavio

    XiBase IRC channel

    Wow, I haven't used IRC for over a year now.
  13. flavio

    Me and my monster

    The place sold food and backpacks? Cute kid.
  14. flavio

    I met a new beer

    I used to drink Crooked River beers all the time when I lived in Ohio....pretty nice.
  15. flavio

    Cleveland Indians

    I saw the Braves get beat a couple Sundays ago in San Fran. I brought a bottle of Coke spike w/ Wild Turkey and got a little too drunk at the game.
  16. flavio

    Who were our System of the Down fans?

    You'll have to ICQ me a couple or do you use Morpheus? Ever seen that Phish movie? I almost bought the DVD the other day.
  17. flavio

    Countdown to NFL week1

    I moved at the end of June and have been putting of getting the cable hooked up because I was watching too much T.V. With the football season starting I don't think I can wait any longer though.
  18. flavio

    I love PHP

    Never looked at PHP. What's it like?
  19. flavio

    I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

    So you're going to tell us what happened to your back right?
  20. flavio

    I have decided to get married

    here ya go