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  1. flavio

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    I have a cool head. I told you to lighten up and now you tell me to lighten up? who lost their head?? and what did I not read carefully? You aren't making much sense.
  2. flavio

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    It's hard to tell since if you try to check eUniverse you get this
  3. flavio

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    Was I scaring someone? Lighten up man. It was meant to be conversation which I have alluded to several times in this thread. and pulling out some quote from him which doesn't relate is pretty ridiculous considering the volume of his writings.
  4. flavio

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

  5. flavio

    Light a candle

    Linky no worky
  6. flavio

    Anyone that wants to help the Red Cross look here

    I donated through the Amazon website, but this was a good idea. I would encourage anyone NOT to donate in response to emails you may recieve. I have already heard of people trying to take advantage of the situation to collect credit card numbers by that way.
  7. flavio

    Another design for the New WTC

    Ooops Gonzo already posted this one. Theres another.
  8. flavio

    "we didn't do it..."

    That's an interesting article. I'm not sure if actions against the entire country are warranted yet. We'll have to see who all shares responsibility.
  9. flavio

    Rebuild WTC to an even bigger building

    Not a bad idea. You should get in contact with me my neighbor, you haven't been around enough lately.
  10. flavio

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    Yes, that may be true. I find Nostradamus to be a fascinating historical figure and his writings to be more of a trivia thing than factual. There might be some evidence that someone possibly involved in the terrorism has been visiting the Nostradamus newsgroups.
  11. flavio

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    Yes, I have already thought of the possibility that the attacks may have been planned to coincide with the prophecy. That in itself is also interesting.
  12. flavio

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    I saw this on another board yesterday and thought it was kinda creepy. I saw a show on Nostradamus about 10 years ago and thought it was interesting. There were some uncanny coincidences. I certainly don't guide my life by it. Just interesting trivia.
  13. flavio

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    "In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb" --- Nostradamus" The city of god: NY, the two brothers: Trade Center, the fortress: Pentagon (as most of the building is still standing) and the...
  14. flavio


    let's just get anal about our disasters now.
  15. flavio


    Terrorist attacks are now Sports and Entertainment? WTF!?!? Did it really need moved?
  16. flavio


    One of the trade center buildings has collapsed. The pentagon, whitehouse and supreme court have also been targeted.
  17. flavio

    Barry Bonds hits 3 today

    What's happened to McGwire the last couple years?
  18. flavio

    Does Anyone Here Speak Italian™

    ewwww..... YES!!
  19. flavio

    Barry Bonds hits 3 today

    How many games are left?
  20. flavio

    Football Season

    must've lost his nads as a youngin' ;)