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  1. flavio

    I just cut the hell out my finger

    I think these freakin' bagels are responsible for a lot of injuries. Evil little things. I've heard of can cuts but losing a finger? Geesh.
  2. flavio

    I just cut the hell out my finger

    I was trying to slice a frozen bagel like an idiot. The serated knife slipped off and cut my finger pretty deep. I can still move it fine (except for the fact that it's all wrapped up in gauze and tape). I'm flying to Ohio tonight for a week too, justy what I needed to start off the itinerary.
  3. flavio

    L& there...NOW!!
  4. flavio

    i'm drunk

    Better check 'em again
  5. flavio

    New whacked Flash site

    You thought mine was disturbing? "who let the dogs out" is far worse :scared:
  6. flavio

    Aliens vs Predator 2 playable dem

    I played the demo of the first one. I thought it was too hard, but maybe I'm just a wuss.
  7. flavio

    New whacked Flash site

    you guys are already sick of my weird flash sites huh?
  8. flavio

    Holy crap! how cool Online repair manuals
  9. flavio

    Speak Easy my ARSE

    Br0ck - as a veteran of many babe threads here and on other boards the way I see it is that although your pics were nice (in fact I saved them :rolleyes: ) and didn't actually show anything naughty they still crossed some line. I think the thing is that she wasn't actually wearing...
  10. flavio

    Post Images Of The Hottest Women You Can Find™

    Love those pants
  11. flavio


    I have a PS1 and PS2 but I still feel like picking up a Dreamcast too. Maybe after I collect some more DVD's and PS2 games.
  12. flavio

    Game: Button Button

    CHEATER! :lol: Fuser, it's yours once more.
  13. flavio

    Game: Button Button

    Here's your clue
  14. flavio

    Game: Button Button

    coleman :D
  15. flavio

    New whacked Flash site

    <a href="">It's a good one</a>
  16. flavio

    Canadians are just plain wacky

    <a href="">The First Official Canada Sucks Thread</a>
  17. flavio

    Game: Button Button

    LiqMaBalls..... just kidding-> DustingBoy?
  18. flavio

