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  1. fury

    Were at 268

    Genome@home is a command-line only thingamajig. To get it to start up automatically, hold in control and drag the icon from the Genome@home folder (in the Programs menu) into the Startup folder. The setup is farily straightforward: 1) Start the client 2) Enter the username you signed up with...
  2. fury

    Soyo K7VTA-Pro

    Decent. Get a 266fsb 1.2 or 1.4 gig T-bird then. They're pretty cheap now :eek:
  3. fury

    I thought *I* was abusive of my hardware

    Last night when my brothers were playing Quake 3, they got mad at each other because they weren't taking equal turns, and the older one pushed the computer off the desk into the wall where it began to descend ever so quickly to the floor. It survived a 2 foot fall where the edge of the air...
  4. fury

    Another Pentium lover just turned AMD!!!

    Compatibility problems for AMD ended after the very, very first Athlon processor. Those days are long gone. Yeah, the core is easier to break than, say, a Pentium 3, but if you're careful, you have no reason to worry. Putting down equal force on the heatsink, allowing it to be supported by...
  5. fury

    Soyo K7VTA-Pro

    Go for it. Just make sure, when you get a CPU for it, that the processor is a 200FSB processor, since, I'm guessing, most of the DIMMs you have are PC100 since your current computer is a K6-2 (not trying to rub it in or anything ;) ;))
  6. fury

    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    Well, I'm out of suggestions. If superior performance doesn't convert ya, I dunno what will :-/
  7. fury

    Becoming Human

    I have to say, d00d, that really made my thinker go. Quite an intriguing theory indeed. Except, I still don't think time is a constant. The time that we perceive here on earth is different than the time perceived on Mars or on Jupiter or on Pluto. There's no big ticking clock embedded in the sun...
  8. fury

    buildin a com for first time need input and amd or intel??

    300 watts will probably do. What's the link to where you'll be buying it?
  9. fury

    T-bred images

    I hope that sample is not the final layout of the T-bred. If it comes without those pads on it, more cores are sure to be crushed. It's probably not going to debut at 1.46 gig, AMD is hopefully smarter than that.
  10. fury

    Another Pentium lover just turned AMD!!!

    Hear, hear! :beerchug:
  11. fury

    Athlon Temps not being overclocked...??

    109 is a very good temperature. I wouldn't start to get worried until about 122, cause that's where many processors start to become unstable. Not that they can't handle being at that temperature, but you might experience crashes beginning at that temperature. You will experience better...
  12. fury

    You'll NEVER catch me, Neo!

    Bring it on, biatch. I'm running at full steam. Yep. All 1333mhz. You probably have more than that, but, umm.. uh.... go to hell! *curls up in the fetal position and sobs* please...don' :retard:
  13. fury

    New Slogan

    Sounds good to me! :thup:
  14. fury

    Hi all!

    Hear, hear! :beerchug: :beer:
  15. fury

    You Used Me For Sex, Friendship, And Good Conversation

    Err... Umm... Now, when you see that little box up at the top, that says "quoted from ...", that usually means that it's a copy of it from somewhere else... ;) And when "" is listed as the "quoted from ...", well, it's supposed to be not real. The Onion is a satirical...
  16. fury

    Guess what? WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!

    In 900 years, we'll have developed phasers and quantum torpedoes, and we'll be able to evaporate it. :D In all seriousness though, the amount of pollution in space is really alarming, considering it was only ~40 years ago that we first set foot in space (iirc).
  17. fury

    Federally Funded Flea Dips for Fluffy?

    If God didn't intend for us to eat animals, he wouldn't have made them out of meat. Saw that one in a sig at HWC, I think. Pretty good :D I really wish the idiots would stop trying to run this country. Health care is intended for humans, and humans only. If you want to give your pets...
  18. fury

    original food fight thread

    *gobbles down all the mushrooms* *sprays Parkay Butter Spray all over SL, bonks Tomcat over the head with it, and then runs off giggling girlishly* :retard: *picks up a bowl of steaming hot creamed corn and dumps it on Q's head, then scraps out the last bit and flicks it off the spoon at Neo*
  19. fury

    Is this what we can expect from now on?

    Piece by piece, our freedoms are being stripped from us. There's no way of stopping it, either. The media has the government in their back pocket.