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  1. Professur

    MrBish goes postal

    Hey, who you not calling a nutbar, Willis?
  2. Professur

    *eye twitches*

    Remember the Fireman's motto. Never trust a truss.
  3. Professur

    MrBish goes postal

    Um, maybe I'm just smarter than everyone else, but why don't we just send them to JJR's?
  4. Professur

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    Bish, please don't act like my opinion of your intended prefession is some kinda suprise to you. You've known my opinion since highschool. And my utter joy at you leaving that crap behind to go into something you really enjoy, Art. PT, there is a place, and a time, and a need for counselors...
  5. Professur

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    Sorry, Gonz. You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a flying fuck. Have you noticed that the moment anything "tragic" happens these days, the psych-ops send in their first line troops: the grief counslers. Gimme a fucking break. Can you be more blatent? Take a bunch of people...
  6. Professur

    Rape and False Memory Syndrome

    Dead simple. Outlaw shrinks. If ever there was a group of people fucking up the world, it's them. They're worse than lawyers.
  7. Professur

    Gay/Lesbian religious unions (Marriage)

    They have the right to do as they choose. I don't object to that (well, yes, I do. But I'm not going to attack them for it) But it's calling it marriage that I object to. Call it civil union. Call it legally bound. Call it significant other. I don't care. But marriage is already defined.
  8. Professur

    Mind games

    I knew then all, 'cept the first one. I don't like one's that screw too much with meanings.
  9. Professur

    Gay/Lesbian religious unions (Marriage)

    It's wrong. See my collected works for reasons.
  10. Professur

    Self-defence vs. Vigilantiesm (Where to draw the legal line)

    I draw it right about knee level.
  11. Professur

    test drive

    Scary as hell, you mean. I had a 1.8l Loyale, and that thing spun up as fast as any V6 I've driven.
  12. Professur

    MrBish goes postal

    Did you get called a fuckwit yet? If not, I still rank you.
  13. Professur

    Pra and SK get married (pics inside)

    I hope you're happy, and lucky.
  14. Professur

    "You know what I should have said?"

    How can that be? They were RED lights.
  15. Professur

    ups shopping

    Nice and toasty, ain't they?
  16. Professur

    Tsunami Watch

    No. The other side of the island is at imminent rask of colapse.
  17. Professur

    A little dyslexic today

    Yuck. That's what I wash in.
  18. Professur

    A little dyslexic today

    How much to add fries and a coke?
  19. Professur

    Tsunami Watch

    Close to the volcano?? You might have missed the fact that [i] the entire freaking place is a volcano. Several vertical miles of volcano, for that matter.
  20. Professur

    ups shopping

    I've had a lot of good luck with Liebert UPS's