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  1. BigDadday


    OK I just was given an "old" but good laptop with the old version of windows in it and I am stumped when it comes in the dos mode and C:\> what should I type in next? windows does not work?
  2. BigDadday


    Thnx for the patience and the monitor was one I never thought of as it is a lil 15" and a no name that only heaven knows where I ever got it from. BD s4=:beerchug: Gonzo=:beerchug: Neo=:beerchug: BD=:D
  3. BigDadday


    I tried a reformat to no avail and just did a copy of the hard drive I replaced as I wanted to do a fresh install but this works fine so I'm happy now.;) Thnx all!
  4. BigDadday


    Doing another reformat and hope it works. W98se this time!
  5. BigDadday


    This did show this pixel before and I should have just imaged the darn drive but I threa a new one in and never did just went and installed.
  6. BigDadday


    It moves in 16 but when I resatart it no go as it shows 256 and the same old ones?? Any more ideas as that was a good one.
  7. BigDadday


    uninstalled and reinstalled twice with no luck maybe a hammer will do it.
  8. BigDadday


    The driver has to be installed if I have the other color bits doesn't it?
  9. BigDadday


    I have the win me in and the color is fine as I can go to whichever I want but I cannot go to the 800x600 it is stuck at the lower one?
  10. BigDadday


    Forgot to mention I have the cd that I need for it as well so I am confused now.:(
  11. BigDadday


    I have 256,high 16 bit.24 bit , 32 bit and 16 but still cannot slide it over?
  12. BigDadday


    Problem ... Just reformated my puter and reinstalled the os but when I go to change the settings from 641 X 480 pixels to 800 X 600 I cannot do it? I have a Voodoo 3dfx card and I installed it now what? BD
  13. BigDadday

    The President KNEW

    Gonzo the sad thing is we will never really know just like the assasination of JFK but that is a totally different thread altogether. Maybe our children or their children will know but I don't think we will.BD
  14. BigDadday

    The President KNEW

    Hillary Clinton our last president also knew about allof the terrorist warnings etc so I think we should stop helping the Democrats by passing this on as they are trying for anything to make GWB look bad. Bill Clinton blew it and we could have had him in our hands!
  15. BigDadday

    How would ya like yer epitaph to read?

    Already have plans to be creamated and our ashes put onto a special place we both love and enjoy and from that as the area is both land and water who knows what our ashes may bring forth.
  16. BigDadday

    How do you all feel about Jesus?

    Jesus,God,The Savior,Buddha,Allah and all I think have to be connected as wouldn't it be awful funny to be watching these go to a heaven or a hades and you were wrong? Man has turned religion into a money making thing insted of what it was meant to be. Belief! B Non of this is said as a...
  17. BigDadday

    Question for the Jesus Squad

  18. BigDadday

    Question n not about puters butttttttt

    Has anyone ever had a knee replacement? I need one as the operation didn't work and am hoping to get some first hand knowledge. I already looked it up and read what was said but a person who has done it is better qualified I think. My age is 54 and I'm a big guy as well. Any help/answer is...
  19. BigDadday

    How do you all feel about Jesus?

    As the song from Jesus Christ Superstar goes,"Jesus is all right with me"
  20. BigDadday

    Taskbar Problem

    Did a reformat as I tried a different OS and was having fun n games so thnx all.BD