The President KNEW


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
{follow all the way thru to the end)

There is unequivocal evidence the President of the United States had warning of the attacks in NY & DC. It was spelled out to him, in detail, by the Phillipino (is that right Toolbox) government. They actually told him it would be Al-Qieda. That binLaden had authorized use of highjacked commercial jetliners to crash into American government buildings. I'm unsure if, at the time, they knew about the WTC towers or an equivalent.

With all this political nonsense happening, like Hillary:
"Clearly the public demands answers immediately," she told reporters, adding, "The people of New York deserve those answers more than anyone."
(although she convienently forgot most of what was needed when we deserved answers from her during Rose-Hill law firm investigation). Also,
Senator Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the majority leader, said he was "gravely concerned" and asked, "Why did it take eight months for us to receive this information?" Mr. Daschle added that the president should immediately hand the Congressional intelligence committees "the entire briefing that he was given" in August.
. Even the Republicans are looking stup...err, at the Capitol for answers,
"I think it should have been acted upon, and it wasn't," said Senator Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, the ranking Republican on the Senate intelligence committee.

The part that the media is just beginning to talk about is the simple fact that the Senate & House each have a Intelligence Committee that gets EXACTLY the same briefing the President gets, within minutes of his briefing & sometimes sooner.

So, the President has this information. He knows what is going to happen, more or less. He either ignores it, acts hastily & shuts down the airports prematurley or puts a stop to it. He seemed to have ignored blatant warnings. Should we impeach the SOB? Was it the right call? I think he acted exactly right. Now for the punchline. The President that had all this information wasn't Dubya, it was William Jefferson Clinton. He got the info in 1995. Therer'san artilce in Time magazine from about 12/18/95 about it. Put that in your pipe & smoke it Dan Rather.


New Member
When I heard the story originally a day or so ago I thought - so he knew it could happen. He had no date, what the heck was he supposed to do about it? People wouldn't have heeded vague warnings, and people would have freaked out about "you're violating my civil liberties" etc pre September 11 if the security measures had been put in place then.

Whatever President it was I think he's acted properly on this.


Everday People
Hillary Clinton our last president also knew about allof the terrorist warnings etc so I think we should stop helping the Democrats by passing this on as they are trying for anything to make GWB look bad. Bill Clinton blew it and we could have had him in our hands!


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Only in part BD. Slick Willy acted as he should have about this specific thing, he had no times, names, dates or anything else. What was he to do, shut down the USA?

However, around 1998 (I think) the Sudanese government had binLaden in their hands & offered him to us. This was a one way ticket for Usama. Clinton turned them down. We already had supposed evidence that he was involved in several attacks on the US. THAT is what the media should be hounding him about.


Everday People
Gonzo the sad thing is we will never really know just like the assasination of JFK but that is a totally different thread altogether. Maybe our children or their children will know but I don't think we will.BD


New Member
I heard on the news today, that, the White House could use this to help them make the Democrats look bad.

Nevermind the real issue, whether or not GDub knew before hand, but lets make this a political issue, and spin it to make us look good.


leslie said:
When I heard the story originally a day or so ago I thought - so he knew it could happen. He had no date, what the heck was he supposed to do about it? People wouldn't have heeded vague warnings, and people would have freaked out about "you're violating my civil liberties" etc pre September 11 if the security measures had been put in place then.

Whatever President it was I think he's acted properly on this.

I had the same feeling about it.


Eee equals emcee squared...
Slick Willy acted as he should have about this specific thing, he had no times, names, dates or anything else. What was he to do, shut down the USA?

However, around 1998 (I think) the Sudanese government had binLaden in their hands & offered him to us. This was a one way ticket for Usama. Clinton turned them down. We already had supposed evidence that he was involved in several attacks on the US. THAT is what the media should be hounding him about.

I agree completely with you on this one Gonz. I do feel very angry that we did not take Osama from the Sudanese, but Clinton was a p**sy when it came to those kind of things.....:(


AMDnut said:

I agree completely with you on this one Gonz. I do feel very angry that we did not take Osama from the Sudanese, but Clinton was a p**sy when it came to those kind of things.....:(

the milk is spilled let's get it cleaned up, and learn how we can prevent it from spilling again :D


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The administration never hid the info. If you look at face the nations web page (I don't know the url) if I understand correctly, there's an archive. Find the Sunday after the attacks & Cheney made it clear we had warnings. This is just a new assault.