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  1. a13antichrist

    animated gene stuff

    I like the top one :)
  2. a13antichrist

    Driver\software updates

    Maybe, but truly great minds come up with something new each time.. ;) :D
  3. a13antichrist

    XiBase SETI

    I don't mind starting one, but we'd have to have a decent showing of interest. I would recommend a Genome or UD team rather than Seti though...
  4. a13antichrist

    OKay, who's the wiseguy who put my pic on HOT OR NOT?

    Hmmm... I used to be there.. looks like they've cancelled me.. :( But I'm here... :) I reckon that one's better... :)
  5. a13antichrist

    XiBase SETI

    I can't see anything on the Seti Page... ??? Didn't come up with anything under Team Look-up either....
  6. a13antichrist

    All your clock cycles are belong to us (Welcome to the Collective)

    Ummmm didn't notice this before... WTF??? :confused:
  7. a13antichrist

    What's your favorite Distributed Computing project?

    Genome Aside from the obvious altruistic side of it, that's where the team is.. any other project just wouldn't be any fun.. :p
  8. a13antichrist

    Genome problem

    Auto-set @ 1.5V??? :eek: Glad ya had fewer problems than I did dude.. :rolleyes:
  9. a13antichrist

    Now, that was interesting...

    8AAs aren't all that uncommon either.. although I haven't actually seen anything for a while since I haven't been monitoring the fleet...
  10. a13antichrist

    pew... someone open the friggin window

    Dammit if my T-bird ever makes it to life it should be pumping that out every week.. four weeks now I could have been hoarding close to 2000 units so far... :(
  11. a13antichrist

    Meeting with jopes

    Just make sure you know lots about Pirates, girrls, & drink.. ;) :D
  12. a13antichrist

    Question about Genome

    Hmmmm I've never seen that before... :confused:
  13. a13antichrist

    What do you have pumping out units?

    Well I have one T-bird @1450 not doing anything... At the peak I can have an additional 6x PIII-667, 4x Athlon 900, 9x Duron 600, 9x Athlon 700, 5x Celly 566, 21x PIII-866; also have ~20 Celly 466s that I haven't bothered to tap yet. Of those I can only be sure that the Durons, Celly...
  14. a13antichrist


    Hmmm... system crashes are all the certification one needs.. ;)
  15. a13antichrist

    You will be will conform!

    That IS pretty cool.. I can reinstall by copying back the ghost.. ;)
  16. a13antichrist

    Format C:

    I much prefer the "run-your-system-with-a-44MHz-PCI-bus-&-make-an-easy-job-of-it" method... ..of course it works much better when you actually WANT to do it.. :rolleyes:
  17. a13antichrist

    silly win2k question

    sweeeet... :cool:
  18. a13antichrist

    Is your computer male or female?

    Well, mine must be female, for a few reasons: It goes down on me all the time It uses up all my money It screws me every week or so if I'm lucky... :D
  19. a13antichrist

    All your clock cycles are belong to us (Welcome to the Collective)

    Make that one more.. :cool:
  20. a13antichrist

    Windows Tip 7-14-01

    And for those that aren't too comfortable dabbling into the registry, there is a utility called TweakUI available that provides a whole score of Windows GUI tweaks, including this start menu setting, and various others such as menu activation speed, Format of Shortcut titles, blah blah. You can...