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  1. nalani

    Why do you come to XIBASE?

    who said it was free ;)
  2. nalani

    I need a lighter

    ahh ... yeah .. I see how it is ... you ask me to marry you then you go off and let my bestest friend in the whole live world kiss your left mouse button finger?!?!?!?! *stomps off the way only a woman can*
  3. nalani


    did someone say p0rn? :D seriously though - what do we have to do to get people up in here? I have to admit, I've been at a loss for words ... been busy here getting the lab up and running and whatnot. But that's no excuse ... POST EVERYONE!!! :)
  4. nalani


    it's actually been slow the last couple of days. Looks like you and me gotta take things into our own hands, ku'u ;)
  5. nalani

    WHAT A WOMAN!!!........

    I just wanna say that it's lovely to hear (or read, rather) men discuss women like this ... speaking of them not only as women but as partners. It's refreshing ... and quite *ah-hem* exciting ....
  6. nalani

    hey, Q!

    I know about my ex-husband's family line than he does.
  7. nalani

    P implies Q, therefore, I need a beer

    I was merely stating what the class is in contrast to the class that I have right after it which is psychology ... I just thought I'd enjoy the class more than I am - perhaps it's the professor *shrug* .. or perhaps it's the content ... duuno ... I wasn't disputing the class nor stating that I...
  8. nalani

    Homebrew Beer Recipes

    hey - don't look at me, I didn't have anything to do with it :D
  9. nalani

    P implies Q, therefore, I need a beer

    just to show you how not there I am, it took me a good 3 minutes to understand what you were talking about :D
  10. nalani

    Homebrew Beer Recipes

    aww .. it's all about the love ... the love of beer errrm... I mean the love of friendship ... yeah ... :D wouldn't beer have be perfect with the fajitas last night? Mmmmm.....
  11. nalani

    P implies Q, therefore, I need a beer

    I thought Philosophy would be oh so great ... sure, learn about logic and reason ... all I hear for that hour and 15 minutes is "blahblahblahblahblah" ... it's about the reason, the validity, not the evidence .... plus, I have Psychology right after that... and it's about the evidence ...
  12. nalani

    Homebrew Beer Recipes

    girl, you know I love you like I do my own sisters .. and I'm there for you *tears of friendship running down my cheek* so, I will drink all the beer you are not able to .. for you ... because it's all about our responsibility to our friends and family. *nod*
  13. nalani

    I just noticed ...

    man, I just know your imagination is running wild right about now, huh Neo? :D well ... I too shall plead the 5th ... but ku'u is right ... I probably did show her how ;)
  14. nalani

    I just noticed ...

    *knows what you are experienced at* :D
  15. nalani

    Re-add me on ICQ

    umm... shaddup! hehehe I did too read your email .. just didn't "pay attention" to the contents very well *L* ... I can't wait til computer lab orientation is over ... I'm exhausted!
  16. nalani

    Re-add me on ICQ

    I just did ... didn't get a chance to turn on my computer all day .. looks like tomorrow will be the same ... orientations with the kids and then it's full-fledged lab time .... holy cow .. what did I get myself in to? *L*
  17. nalani

    Re-add me on ICQ

    I just put ICQ on my new G4-867 so if you have me on your list, please re-add me ... I don't have any numbers from before stored anywhere ... thanks!
  18. nalani

    more blind than blind

    what? you mean you're not a snob??? :D:D
  19. nalani

    more blind than blind

    I know - I was teasing ku'u cause she used that word in her post ... ;)
  20. nalani

    more blind than blind

    *giggling cause although, as ku'u pointed out in another thread, I am in a cubicle and her work space has been enlargened (is that a word?) because of it, I have a brand-spanking-new 22 inch flat screen monitor ...but I am still blind .. don't know if I'm blinder than blind, but blind nonetheless*