Fury, you were the first one I thought of when I read this story



[QUOTEURL=http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1829000/1829944.stm]We have all heard of road rage and air rage. Now we have web rage.

More than half of all internet users admit to losing their rag with the net at least once a week, according to a Mori study.

High on people's stress meter is the length of time it takes websites to appear, help buttons that do not offer any help and requests for personal details before being allowed into a site.

One frustrated IT manager admitted to smashing up his £2,500 laptop after a web page failed to recognise his personal details after six attempts.

Such violent outbursts are not unique. Mice and keyboards seem to bear the brunt of people's frustration, with 7% admitting to hitting them after a frustrating web experience.

Revenge is sweet

If you sense a colleague's mounting anger at the web, it might be best to leave the room.

A small number, 2%, admitted to hitting workmates to vent their frustration.


You can read the full story at the link above. :D


Staff member
Hmm... Neo wonders how many monitors fury has tossed at walls...


Staff member
I'm fairly nice to this monitor only because I can get up to 1600x1200 at 75hz in it (my next most recent monitor only did that refresh at up to 800x600)... if it weren't for that, it'd have gone through the walls 3 or 4 times by now. :mad: :smash:
Too bad that people always get pissed at their monitors and smash the poor things, while the actual cause is the computer itself :D

Allright, I admit, a monitor that actually shakes the screen, lets it turn purple once in the while and has a refresh rate of max. 60 Hz @ 1024x768 makes you pissed :mad:

*smacks monitor against wall and buys a 17" TFT-screen - a black one*


Staff member
Shadowfax said:
Too bad that people always get pissed at their monitors and smash the poor things, while the actual cause is the computer itself :D

Allright, I admit, a monitor that actually shakes the screen, lets it turn purple once in the while and has a refresh rate of max. 60 Hz @ 1024x768 makes you pissed :mad:

*smacks monitor against wall and buys a 17" TFT-screen - a black one*
Funny, that's kinda the same problem I have, except it has a max res of 2048x1536 for that refresh rate, and it turns purple ALL the time... and sky blue in lower resolutions! :smash3: :smash4: