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  1. wine4all

    Remote Control Software

    I am doing a free trial of web based remote control software for Windows based PC's called "Go To My PC" that seems to work really well even through corporate firewalls and across routers to different subnets. I am totally impressed. I have used PC Anywere POTS dial up for years and it is a...
  2. wine4all

    My Linux Stupidity is showing

    FYI Linux is not dependant upon file extensions to recognize executable vs data files. It is actually determined by a file property whether a file is executable. Do not bother trying to run .EXE .BIN only known executables and .sh (shell script file: sorta like a DOS batch file on...
  3. wine4all

    I need to know

    I thought so, but wanted to answer just in case you were serious. Besides "I hate MS" is the correct frame of mind to be in. Especially since they paid off GW Bush to drop pursuing the Breakup Plan. The Bastards!!!
  4. wine4all

    XiBase IRC channel

    Too Cool Flurf! You DA MAN!!! works great! just need more participation. I can't tell you how many times I got into the AL just to find it empty also. So it is not IRC that makes a chat room empty it is the chatters or lack thereof. I am actually using KVirc under Mandrake Linux. Q, mIRC...
  5. wine4all

    I need to know

    Sorry S4, no IE, just Nutscrape, and Mozilla, Opera if you do the download. If not already loaded get the latest version from the web in an RPM format for I586 or I386 (Mandrake or Redhat, Mandrake is 99% Redhat compatible)
  6. wine4all

    so...what is your favorite smell

    You should really try to be a little different there Nihls... you know stand out from the crowd... not just another mindless sheep following the herd... :D By the way, love the new avatar... very sexy. :worm: In a Rob Zombie, Living Dead Girl sort of way. :p
  7. wine4all

    Neo is in the hospital

    Be sure and wear your wrist brace... don't want to end up like Neo! :lol:
  8. wine4all

    Mandrake 8

    WooHoo!!! Gonzo has joined the ranks of the enlightened.
  9. wine4all

    so...what is your favorite smell

    Single malt Scotch, a new batch of wine just beginning to ferment (technical term = must), medium toast oak, freshly baked bread, honeycomb, freshly cut citrus rind, lilac, puppy paws. :D
  10. wine4all

    Advice Please

    Can you say "Restraining Order"? Mabey you should re-evaluate what is "good" about this friendship?
  11. wine4all

    Neo is in the hospital

    No way... if it was that he would have been admitted for terminal carpal tunnel syndrome! :D
  12. wine4all

    Laptop Dual Boot

    I installed Mandrake on my laptop this weekend. I ended up using 8.0 because 7.1 could not recognize the partitions created by the Ontrack disk overlay I had to use since the BIOS could not recognize more than 8GB. But, to my suprise, the performance is not bad at all and, to enhance it...
  13. wine4all

    Journalizing file systems

    I just found this link. LinuxPlanet
  14. wine4all

    Neo is in the hospital

    In case anybody still doesn't know. Neo is home. They still don't quite know what the problem is but are going to be doing some more tests to eliminate possibilities. I thought he would have posted in here by now, but obviously I have proved yet again what happens when you ASS-U-ME.
  15. wine4all

    Neo is in the hospital

    I saw Neo today around noon. He was doing OK. A little grumpy and a killer headache due to lack of food, coffee and Bandits. They were having him fast for some blood tests. He was also supposed to do a stress test. He is in a cardiac unit but not ICU. He has a Nitro patch to help with the...
  16. wine4all

    Neo is in the hospital

    I'm printing this thread out to take to him. I think if you wanted to call it would be OK. I told him I would bring some of the MCSE study books to entertain him. heheh :D
  17. wine4all

    Where are you?

  18. wine4all

    Neo is in the hospital

    I just got back from there. He is stable but they are still trying to figure out what is wrong. He has been having trouble regulating his blood pressure. First too high and then too low. Today he left work early to go to the hospital because he was having severe chest pains, sweats...
  19. wine4all

    i'm drunk

    Just because you're paranoid... it doesn't mean that no one is out to get you! :eek:
  20. wine4all

    I just cut the hell out my finger

    Hey me too! Did blood squirt out filling the window sill? 37 stitches in 3 layers. Originally had two holes going down past the forearm bone but they cut it into one to make stitching easier. :sick: