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  1. wine4all


    He'd better have blue tights and a red cape since all the p***ies of this forum won't let him nuke the m***er f***ers!!!! :lol:
  2. wine4all

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    What it is to me is... I have noted here and in another thread that you have felt it neccessary to launch personal attacks against other members and I am here to tell you that I for one don't appreciate it when you do it to me and furthermore will not tolerate it when you do it to others. Your...
  3. wine4all


    I had to post just one more time since this is my 300th post. WooHoo!
  4. wine4all


    OOPS! I hate it when that happens! My Bad!
  5. wine4all


    Now you're gettin' it!!! :D But seriously guys, I must admit that my original comments re: nukes were in the heat of anger and I was venting in this forum. After that I was having some fun with you "blokes" and learning some things while I was at it. If NATO condoned the use of tactical...
  6. wine4all


    *thinks to self* Hmmm.... mental note: don't forget to nuke Pakistan while we're at it... Right!
  7. wine4all


    Mabey I should switch to de-caf? :eek2: :eek2:
  8. wine4all


    No it was supposed to get your ass-hairs up! OMG it worked too well!!! You look like David Hasselhoff!!!!! (For those of you who don't already know what Krusty looks like, please visit the Gallery) And... thanks I will this is only my second cup of coffee this morning.
  9. wine4all

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    Chill out Krusty... your attitude is really starting to piss me off. I lob a nuclear fart in your general direction! :sick:
  10. wine4all


    And Bin Laden is lucky that you woosies are in charge. Which way is Mecca anyhow Krusty?
  11. wine4all


    And therefore should be exterminated in the most efficient means possible.
  12. wine4all

    Remote Control Software

    VNC is great over LAN connections but sucks over dialup and does not provide a path through the firewall.
  13. wine4all


    Do you think Osama Bin Laden would hesitate to nuke NY, LA, London, Paris or any other city in the civilized world if he had the technology?
  14. wine4all

    Its birthday time

    Thanks all, I'm having one for each of you now.
  15. wine4all

    Remote Control Software

    Not sure but will see if I can find out. For dialup connections I would still recommend PC Anywhere but it's Web connection requires the host machine to be outside the firewall.
  16. wine4all

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Speaking of breastesses.... Where are Spirit, Nix, Missy, Dark Princess, Q and Dark Angel? :D
  17. wine4all

    Perpetual Welcome Thread

    Welcom AMD! Hey, mabey you can tell Fury how to quit burning up his Durons. heheh :D
  18. wine4all

    Remote Control Software

    Yes, you access the "Go To My PC" website and login there with User ID and Password then select from your list of available host machines and are prompted for a second password directly from the host machine which is not stored on the website. It also uses 128 bit encryption during...
  19. wine4all


    Mabey it won't come to nukes... I support whatever decision our government makes as to how to WIN this war as long as we truly WIN and do not stop short of TOTAL VICTORY against those who are responsible for this attack and any/all who harbored or supported them. If this means nukes... then so...
  20. wine4all


    Nuclear weapons are not much of a deterrent if nobody believes you will use them. It has been too long since we last did and the psycho's are pushing the edge of the envelope. I say... nuke 'em till they glow! Make a big glass bowl out of Iraq and level the mountains of Afghanistan and nobody...