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  1. wine4all

    Odama Bean Banned

    ROFLMAO :lol: Now that's funny! See Krusty you do have a sense of humor after all!
  2. wine4all

    New ICQ AL server for Xibase

    Oh, I see what you mean, reuse the old AL ID instead of having to notify users of the new one. That is up to Neo, I am just providing the connectivity.
  3. wine4all

    Something to think about from a friend

    I see what you mean. Nonetheless, I reserve the right to be ignorant and apathetic about any subject of my choice and do not make apologies for it.
  4. wine4all

    Look at how Xi is affected by these attacks

    There is definitely more tension. The problem is that some of us have turned the healthy venting of outrage against the horrible events into un-healthy personal attacks on members of this site. I myself have slipped into this low behaviour but am trying to avoid it. What do you think about...
  5. wine4all

    Something to think about from a friend

    By asking the question about how many of us knew about these things BEFORE the WTC attacks implies that we should have, and anyone who did not is somehow inferior. I understand that this was not your post but you seem to have taken up the cause iof the idiot who joined as OBL. Therefore, you...
  6. wine4all

    Hey Osama Bin Laden

    No, we think he was an insensitive asshole who's opinion is irrelevant since he/she/it thinks this is funny. How funny would it be if their mother/sister/daughter/father/brother/son was currently missing and presumed dead, perhaps vaporized and no evidence ever to be found. **** them they got...
  7. wine4all

    Hey Osama Bin Laden

    You are clearly in the minority. In fact you seem awfully sympathetic... care to explain yourself?
  8. wine4all

    Something to think about from a friend

    What difference does it make? We are all too aware of these issues now since they have been forcefully shoved into our faces. I am sick of people who hold themselves as superior due to their knowledge of international events. So what!!! What do you know of my life? Not shit. What do you...
  9. wine4all

    New ICQ AL server for Xibase

    I don't think it makes any difference since it is setup to auto-authorize users and takes all of 2 seconds to do so.
  10. wine4all

    New ICQ AL server for Xibase

    It is Neo's hardware but it is running on my network and cable internet connection. As long as you are not siding with Krusty it won't be a problem. Ha Ha just kidding. :D
  11. wine4all

    How do I make something start up with Linux?

    Pior to login? I thought .profiles ran after login.
  12. wine4all

    New ICQ AL server for Xibase

    There is a new ICQ Active List server in place which needs stress tested. Please join and chat on 131530957 and let Neo know if you have any problems.
  13. wine4all

    How do I make something start up with Linux?

    Will it run as SU or what?
  14. wine4all

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    When will you ****ing chill Krusty??? I asked a question because I want to know the truth. Get that stick out of your ass or whatever else has you on a serious case of PMS and lighten up! And FYI the Islamic Jihad is based in Egypt. Not New ****ing Sheepland!
  15. wine4all

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    They know the truth now. Something I wish they could share with all mankind.
  16. wine4all

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    Does not the Islamic Jihad claim that these acts will guarantee the hijackers a place in heaven?
  17. wine4all

    There will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos --Nostradamus

    I offer you the peace pipe Krustich... Actually the Galway Pipe... (see "Feedback" thread). I admit that I was purposely antagonizing you for the fun of it but none-the-less as an admin you should not allow yourself to be drawn in to personal attacks. I apologize for my comments about your...
  18. wine4all

    1000 posts in L&C

    I'm all a twitter!!! *listens intently* Did someone say "prison bitch"?
  19. wine4all

    Rebuild WTC to an even bigger building

    Mabey they should build it 70 stories high and 40 stories deep!
  20. wine4all

    1000 posts in L&C

    I love it when she puts her hands on her hips... Actually... I would like it better if I could put my hands on her hips... from behind! Oops! Did I say that out loud? :eek2: