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  1. B

    Can it get more ghetto than this?

    Man... What a joke... All that to make a Duron hit 1000MHz? Jeez....Just go buy a 1GHz Ath or Dur! Sometimes peeps simply forgo common sense to make something work. There is a time when overclocking is not needed because a processor is now so cheap! Oh well.........just can't...
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    Cisco Certification or Not...?

    No Offence, but Novell Certs are a joke right now. I have been in the feild for about 5 years and a good buddy of mine that I work with is a CNE and an MCSE. He only gets jobs based on his MCSE. I am working in a LARGE hospital right now that is 50% Novell and 50% NT/2000. I have my MCSE...
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    Arctic Silver 3 Sux!!!!!

    Hey all, Just wanted to let you know. I built a box with an Athlon XP 1800+. I built it about 4 weeks ago. I first put it together with the factory (retail) thermal pad on the bottom of the heatsync. The processor ran at about 104F (40C). I then took it back out and carefully scrapped of...
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    Cisco Certification or Not...?

    Hey all, I have a quick opinion question for you. I hope it's in the right forum. I didn't think it fit in hardware. I am an MCSE, who is not sure which direction to go next. I feel that Cisco may be good, but it is losing market share. I don't know if I should get started on CCNA, or...
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    Need Help making A WAN network

    How are you on subnetting? Do you know the different classes of IP addresses? Do you know about ACL's? Do you have an in depth knowledge of TCP/IP? Below are some things you might want to know. If you don't know these things.....I REALLY suggest you having a professional do this. I...
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    So, what's your rig?

    Box #1 InWin Black Case MSI-6380 K7T266 Pro2 Motherboard Athlon XP 1800+ (retail) 512MB Crucial PC2100 DDR 20GB Western Digital (7200 RPM) Gainward GeForce2 Ti 450 64MB DDR (vid card) 3Com NIC Soundblaster Live 5.1 Black Sony 52X CD-ROM Black HP 9100 8X CD-RW Black Panisonic 1.44MB...
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    Gonzo's Avatar...

    Gonzo, That is a crazy avatar. :D The person hitting the drums looks like they are using cheer leaders *pom-poms* every time they spin the sticks. LOL I just thought it looked kinda weird. I don't have a problem with it.....just noticed the pom-pom thing. HAHAHAHHA :D :worm:
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    Another Pentium lover just turned AMD!!!

    Yo, Just wanted to say that I just turned into an AMD Lover. I'll never go back to Intel. I had no idea how much of a bad a$$ processor an Athlon is. I just bought an Athlon XP 1800+ (1.53GHz) and it BLOWS AWAY the Pentium4 1.7GHz boxes I have a work. What a difference. Long live AMD...
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    Athlon Temps not being overclocked...??

    Hey all, Quick question...But Before the question: I hate Celsius temperature listings :D I'm a good old American and I use Fahrenheit. I have an Athlon 1800+ that is running about 109 degrees Fahrenheit. Is that good. Is their a temperature that I should watch out for? Without...
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    MSI K7T266 Pro2 losing IDE Drive after cold!

    s4, Didn't mean to make you think that I was mad about peeps not replying. I just meant that I don't think I gave enough time for peeps to reply between my question and my answer :D :D Anyway....hope you all have a good day ;) Laterz, -B4TMANN
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    MSI K7T266 Pro2 losing IDE Drive after cold!

    Alright....I feel like a big goober!:retard: On Some Western Digital Drives, if it is a single, you must remove all the jumpers. I had one jumper set in the master position. Little did I know that you only do that if it is a master with a slave present. All is well and system runs great...
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    MSI K7T266 Pro2 losing IDE Drive after cold!

    Hey all, I just built me a new box, and it works kick butt. I however have one problem. If i simply restart the PC, all is fine. If I shut the PC down, and wait a minute or two before I power it back on, it can't find my IDE drive. So I then go into the BIOS and auto detect and it is fine...
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    Do you like to street race?

    I havn't even looked at the pics. I just assume they are really disgusting. I hate seeing that kind of stuff. Why do you post such things?
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    Router Question

    That router kicks a$$. I own one, and have set one up for a buddy and my parents. It is a great product. Just keep up to date on the firmware revisions. I think the newest one is 1.42.3 Well worth the money. Enable "Block WAN Request" when you get it. That will make you almost...
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    WOW :eek: I'm amazed that only one person briefly mentioned playing UT. I think UT is kick a$$. I have played Quake III arena, and it seems that it is neat, but why is it loved so much over UT. I play Counterstrike, Team Fortress Classic, and Unreal Tournament. What is so cool...
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    Unreal Tournament 2

    What is supposed to be there..........? Nothing shows up ! :worm:
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    How do each of you bring in the Flow?

    Just curious.... How do each of you bring in the Flow? a.k.a - What do you all do for a living to bring home the cashflow? ------------ I'm a network engineer (MCSE, MCP+I). I work on servers, switches, routers, and the like to keep up a network of about 800 PC's. About 1000...
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    Need higher FPS with my GF4 MX440 64MB DDR...

    Thanks to all for the help. :D fury, It's a Abit Siluro GeForce4 MX440 64DDR :) I decided after the frustrations...........and finding out that a GF2 Ti will whoooop it, to buy a GF2 Ti and ebay the MX. I sure have learned my lesson about MX cards..........don't buy em if you like to...
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    Wassssup with tha Gainward GF2 Ti 450....?

    fury, Thanks a bunch. That is exactly what I wanted :D Have a good one all :)
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    Need higher FPS with my GF4 MX440 64MB DDR...

    fury, I grabbed the 21.81 detonator set from Everytime I try to install them. The install finishes, and it reboots, and still junk resolution! Cant change it. Still standard VGA adapter. Hmmmmm... I don't know why I cant use Detonator drivers with this dang Abit...