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  1. B

    got to get this off my chest

    Hehe.... :D Yeah......i lock some folks down hardcore. I just wont do that to my parents. I actually have that shirt "No I will not fix your computer" I wear it quite a bit too. I also have the one that says "WTF?" Since I'm a Network Engineer and I work on computers, servers...
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    Wassssup with tha Gainward GF2 Ti 450....?

    Thanks s4... Was there last night :D Laterz
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    Wassssup with tha Gainward GF2 Ti 450....?

    I looked included.........and didn't find much...... If you do.........that'd be just Jim Dandy:lol:
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    Wassssup with tha Gainward GF2 Ti 450....?

    Hey all, Just bought a GeForce2 Ti 450 by Gainward. Hope it's a good card, I have heard good things about it. I'm hoping that this will be a better card than my GF4 MX440 64MB DDR (which I have been disapointed by). Got it for $85 on NewEgg. They had a GeForce2 Ti 450 TV and a...
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    The Future of Mandrake Linux.

    Redhat baby!!! Redhat! Mandrake is just too "pretty" for me. It seems so much like a "easy" version of linux...with it's pretty boot screens and such. I just like a good old plain jane text loading screen. Redhat & SuSe are where it's at :D especially in the corporate world.....and...
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    got to get this off my chest

    I've had similar problems with users computers (whether family or not) and what I do is load the box with Win2000. My parents had a box with WinME, which is a decent OS, but it would lock up here and there. I put Windows 2000 pro on that bad boy and everytime I see them they say...
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    United Negro College Fund

    I think we are all an example of how stuff should be!!!!! I don't know if you folks are fat, skinny, black, white, asian, old, young, bald, poor, rich, or whatever else. Nor do I care to. We all seem to get along just fine with out all that krap. Look at animals. You see squirls on...
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    Question about GeForce cards - and stuff...

    Hey all, I know GeForce cards seem to be the shiz-nit :D right now, but I have a few questions. First off, I hear that there is a GeForce 3 (regular) and a Geforce 3 Ti 200 and Ti 500. I also heard that the regular GF3 smokes the Ti200. What gives?...and can you still get 'em? It...
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    United Negro College Fund

    Well....what has always irritated me is this: If we're gonna have a United Negro College Fund, then how about we have a United Caucaisian College Fund or a United Asian College Fund or ...........or .............or.. You get the point? In a society that needs and wants to be less...
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    (Important, please respond ASAP) You might've noticed by now...

    Workin like a champ here :D
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    Unreal II Countdown

    When is Unreal II gonna be out in the stores? I have no idea what the release date is but I love Unreal and Unreal Tournament. Can't wait ................... :scared:
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    What game are you currently playing?

    UT baby!!! UT is the bombay yo! In all seriousness UT and Counter-Strike and Team Fortress Classic are my main games :smash: :wave:
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    Ohio Highway Patrol Sux

    Gonzo, Always wanted to chat with a Trucker... :D I drive the turnpike in Ohio everyday to work. I always respect the truckers because I know peeps don't realize how long it takes you guys to get going and to stop. I see people dart in front of trucks and then jam on the brakes to get...
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    OpenGL or D3D for UT with GF4?

    To those of you who have GeForce cards of some kind: If you play UT (Unreal Tournament) what do you use? OpenGL or Direct3D I have a GeForce 4 MX440 64MB DDR, and I use OpenGL for Counterstrike and it plays great (100 FPS). I however am getting about 60-75 in UT with D3D. I can get...
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    Need higher FPS with my GF4 MX440 64MB DDR...

    Holy COW:o I think all is well now :D I decided to change from D3D to OpenGL in counterstrike and also went into the config.cfg file and put a made max_fps=200 instead of the default number of 72. I now get 100 FPS in Counterstrike. I hear thats the max for the game :D...
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    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    Ok :D I'll bring some Pizza and Beer in for all:laugh: does this Karma thing work anyway :spin: Be back in a bit :D
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    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    Actually......I'm gonna go eat some Beer and Drink some Pizza right now :beerchug: Good being here folks !
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    Need higher FPS with my GF4 MX440 64MB DDR...

    I'm using a 17" NEC Multisync Monitor. I run all my games at 1024x768 @32bit. Refresh rate is 85Hz. What is V-Sync and where to I turn it off/on? In UT i usually hit the "tilde" key and type "timedemo 1" for the FPS and I leave em on the screen. Is that bad? Thanks again for...
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    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    Actually......then you know where Cuyahoga Falls is.....thats where me be at :D
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    Question about HardwareCentral (HWC)?

    Sweet........that's what I'm here for! Count me in...........I'm there dude :spin: