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  1. kuulani

    baby dies

    ^^ so true.
  2. kuulani

    baby dies

    UPDATE The Hawaii Channel
  3. kuulani

    baby dies

    I'm sooooooo sorry guys, I didn't think. I didn't mean to scare anyone by using "baby girl" in the title. *kicks self* I'm scaring myself at the mere thought of that ever happening. :(
  4. kuulani

    baby dies

    The Hawaii Channel *EDIT - deletes "girl" in title
  5. kuulani

    It's beginning to feel a lot like ...

    :lol: *hugs Squigg*
  6. kuulani

    we found nemo!

    Thank you, mom, for forwarding me this :sick:
  7. kuulani

    It's beginning to feel a lot like ...

    Squiggy, please tell me that at least you had a plastic tree :p My good friends also have their plastic tree up from last year. I tease them about it everytime I go to their house.
  8. kuulani

    Hi all

    hellooooo there.
  9. kuulani

    First Starbucks, then ...

    Krispy Kreme in Wal-Mart? Does that mean McDonald's is out?
  10. kuulani

    It's beginning to feel a lot like ...

    ... a big fat load of commercialism. Yesterday when I walked into Wal-Mart, what do I see? All their Christmas crap is up already. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. But this is getting ridiculus. Is it me, or do we still have Halloween and Thanksgiving to get through? Then as I was...
  11. kuulani

    First Starbucks, then ...

    I've tasted a Krisppy Kreme once in my life ... 2 years ago in California. I would gladly give up the two Starbucks we have for just one Krispy Kreme. There are none in the entire state!!
  12. kuulani

    Apple launching iTunes for Windows

    *loves my iTunes* *hints to husband that I want an iPod*
  13. kuulani

    First Starbucks, then ...

    ... I'm still waiting for a Krispy Kreme to open here though. *prays to the Krispy Kreme gods*
  14. kuulani

    First Starbucks, then ...

    There was a GREAT coffee shop in a town about an hour away, that we used to stop by every time we passed .. but for some reason, when Starbucks opened its doors there, everyone jumped on the Starbucks wagon and that coffee shop closed down :( Starbucks coffee sucks!!
  15. kuulani

    MY bouquet of roses

    *waits for my camera* :D
  16. kuulani

    MY bouquet of roses

    :lol: i'll telll him he owes you.
  17. kuulani

    MY bouquet of roses

    sorry, sam, my roses are wilting now and not as pretty as when I first got 'em. they wouldn't make for a good pic. :(
  18. kuulani

    Paedophiles...where do we put them? (Dbl-post-OTC)

    I don't want them anywhere near me & my family. Bastards. Who cares if they paid their debt to society. That's not a chance I'm willing to take.
  19. kuulani

    MY bouquet of roses

    My husband was an idiot the other day, and as part of his apology, he bought a bouquet of orange roses with baby's breath to my office :D They're brightening up my desk as we speak. I never thought I'd be one for roses, but they do the trick when you need them to :D ... and yes, my...
  20. kuulani

    my birds.....

    *fondly remembers the cockatiel I had as a child* *flashback of escapng & flying into a mango tree ... and having to climb the tree to put it back in the house before my dad gave me lickens'* :D